Episode 4: Brazil?

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I wonder which Brazil, the Country or the City?, I'm gonna try the city first Considering there will be a whole Lotta those monsters in South America. "Hey Berserk you there?" Asked Roger on the Walkie talkie "Yes I'm here" said Berserk "What do you need" "I need to know the name of your friend" said Roger "His name is Mar, and He'll be at the Gas Station Near the Radio Station. "Ok" said Roger. While driving He spots a Giant Like Zombie that's tackling a Wall. I was wondering in and about, I lurked right Behind this Giant monster. And I shot it 48 times with just an AK, it seems the more you shoot its back the more slower it walks which is more good info for another monster. I'm scared to see what's Next cannibals, and Zombies, it's all creepy shit. Let's hope things calm down more on this Adventure to Indiana. I drove over this bridge in between Jeffersonville, Indiana, and Louisville Kentucky. It gets crazier, When a Bunch Of People Has Crashed and Lot of Bridges has Burned, There also these Safe Zones for Of Military but it's Very Rare, And I Do Believe There Might Be Some In This City I'm Going Towards. I had to stop at another Gas Station, because this Buggy is a huge GAS HOG! I kept driving until I found a Radio Station, These 2 guys aimed 2 AR15's at me, I said I'm not a Thug or a Monster, I hid my bite mark, incase someone won't believe me. So I asked is there anyone here Immune? I then recognized a necklace every Tyler Bundy Thug has been wearing. I jerked the Gun out of one guy's hand knock him in the head then shoot at the guy infront of Me. I then went inside to look for Mar.

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