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This guy with a White van tried to run me over but he was trolling me with his squeaky wheels. I jump onto the front. The driver tries to get me off but I stay on. I kept my grip. I used my Hammer to open the Van's back door. It was locked. He then drifts on the left turn. I almost fall off but I keep my grip. There was more military men and Tyler's members, Or Thugs. They Where driving motorcycles and this Guy was trying to run them all over, but a Truck comes speeding and Ramming the Van driver. There was also a Military Truck in the front, Me being confused and not knowing what to do. I decided to do the unthinkable. I jump onto the back of the Truck, my face turning into the wolf-humanoid form. The guy that was driving. I smiled at him saying "Hey, let me drive." He asked "What are you." I said "Your worst nightmare." I fully turn into this wolf again, but it was more controllable, I turn around and rip off part of the hood of the Van. The guy driving looks at me, with a Horrified face saying "What the fuck are you?!" I then told him "I'm your death Upon a time." But this time my voice sounded more... Demonic. I then kicked with one foot on the hood, The van then flips over on 4 of Tyler's Thugs I jump onto one of their Motorcycle's, and Start driving with Full Throttle. I use one of my claws towards his head and it goes through his brain to the other side. Instead of the Motorcycle I Jumped off and It Explodes on to another motorcycle, I then run three times faster then these motorcycles, if your asking yourself how is he doing that, I don't know myself.

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