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BOOM! I hear a guy that had a Shotgun. I said "DON'T SHOOT!" I'm human and I'm not One Of Those Bundy Soldiers!
"Thank God" someone said with a thick southern accent. Also thank God I didn't blow your brains out, Now tell me what the hell your doing here. "I'm looking for supplies I didn't know anyone lived here, I'm starting to get a headache" I told him. "Agh, I have some antibiotics but I don't know if they'll help." The man gives me the medicine and I take and swallow 2. I start getting more dizzy. "I feel a little better" I said. "I don't think I should've gave those to you, you look high."

2 Days Later...

"You good kid?" Said the man. "Did you drug me!" I yelled. "Hey watch your tone, I didn't drug you I guess those were different pills, but the Bottle says Antibiotics, so I have no clue" He said. "Well you can't trust everyone so I believe you, I will go and be on my Way Thank you, ugh..." "Aaron, My Names Aaron" he said. I then replied saying "Thank you Aaron." I then went back on to my horse, and went straight to my house. My house was Robbed. Where's my TV, The food in the Fridge my Cans, does that mean they stole my documents. I looked in my dresser and behind the mirror they stole 1 of my papers, but they stole the Most important one. "Damnit" I said to myself. "What am I gonna do now" I said to myself again.

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