EPISODE 12: Need A Hand?

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(1 Year Before The Outbreak)...

Tyler bumps into his much older brother. His Older brother getting pissed. He says "Tyler your nothing but a sick twisted weakling, go back to your fucking room!" He then calls the hospital and the doctor on the Line says "Carolina Medical Center, What is your Emergency?" "I have no Emergency but I wanna speak to my Mom her name is Emily Bundy." "Yes I'll transfer you." Said the doctor. "Hello who is this?" said Emily. "Are you feeling better mom?" "Yes, the doctors gave me this shot, and it's like a cure kinda for Cancer!, I'm excited to go home Tyler I miss you." "I miss you to Mom, I can't wait for My 18th Birthday, This is the only Gift I wanted!" Said Tyler Excitedly while crying. Tyler's Mom then goes back home and sits in the couch waiting for Tyler and his older brother Leon. They then come home at the same time to see their mother smiling on the couch. Tyler runs straight to her, and Hugs her. Leon still didn't seem happy. She then asked "What's his problem?" to Tyler. Tyler said "He's been sad since you left, but I think he sells drugs to other kids, and he takes some from others, but in general I don't know." "Okay" said Emily while Nodding her head. Later on that night while Tyler was sleeping he wakes up to a Horrifying Scream in the Living room, and Leon goes upto Tyler all covered in blood and Starts saying "She wasn't In the Right Mind she tried to bite me!" "Your sick in the head, YOU KILLED MOM!" Said Tyler. Tyler then pushed Leon out of the way took his Mom's keys and drives off, Just To See People being bit on the sidewalks and roads. A Monster then starts walking towards Tyler's car. He has a Shocked and Scarred face. The year is now 2025, and This Outbreak has started since 2018, it's been 7 years!, and Tyler looks at himself in the Mirror saying and yelling "ITS HIS FAULT!"

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