"Don't say it like that," Peter sighed, but he started to swing your intertwined hands between your bodies. "You make it sound so much more crazy than it really is."

"Pete, it is crazy," you scoffed, nudging him so he would turn right. "Seriously, think about it. You were small and weak and needed glasses and then one field trip later, boom! Muscles and abs galore!"

"I think you're overexaggerating." Peter frowned, rubbing the back of his head. "I wasn't that bad. You're making me sound like Steve Rogers before he got the serum that made him into Captain America."

"Uh, last I knew, a year ago you were like a 90 pound asthmatic that was almost a head shorter than me. And you needed glasses! So, I see more similarities than differences. You have no foot to argue on here, Spider-Man."

Peter just stuck his tongue out at you and you chuckled, content with your random small victory. "Promise to have fun when we get there instead of bringing up the time every three minutes?"

"Maybe if you tell me where we're going,"

"Breaking into the park. Duh." You laughed, guesturing for Peter to follow you after you hopped the fence. It wasn't that tall, anyway. Just put there to make it look pretty. You didn't care that technically the park closed at dusk, but dawn was coming soon enough.

Peter just sighed, but he quickly followed you. The amount of times the both of you snuck out together to come here taking over and putting the both of you on autopilot as you made your way to the spot on the small hill in the park, away from the main area.

The both of you sat down on the grass, and you smiled as Peter pulled you into his side in one fluid motion.

"You could have just told me we were coming here, you know."

"Where's the fun in that?" You questioned, leaning your head against his shoulder as Peter squirmed to get comfortable on his back.

The both of you went quiet and took deep breaths, falling into a comfortable silence, fingers still laced together.

You hated that the times you wanted to spend with Peter had to be like this, but you took what you could get. The both of you used to sneak out just for the fun of it, the thrill of being rebellious teenagers, but now with Peter's part-time superhero gig gradually taking up more and more of his time, the sneaking out became more of a necessity if you wanted to spend time with him.

You didn't do it often, knowing that being a superhero and all that took a lot out of Peter. Even if he didn't fight anyone, swinging around a city as large of New York still took enough energy out of him. Not to mention just how stressful high school is on top of it. You liked to act like you were a bit of a bad influence to Peter's goody two shoes, but in reality, you just wanted to see him.

"I'm sorry," Peter whispered after a couple of minutes, his thumb rubbing against the back of your hand.

"You know it's fine Pete. I don't want to stop you from doing what you want."

"But I'm sure you'd rather be sleeping now too."

"Ha. Sleep." You snorted, earning a soft glare from the boy next to you, but it disappeared quickly when you gently kissed his shoulder. "If you want to go back, we can." You tell him honestly. "You probably need it more than I do."

"No, today was slow. Or well, Friday was." He corrected.

"Hey, no one likes people like that." You playfully tell him.

"Shut up." He shook his head, pressing his lips to the top of your head.

You shut your eyes and just told yourself to enjoy him while you had him there next to you. It wasn't often anymore. It sucked, how so much changed in just a year. The both of you getting put into opposite schedule classes in school didn't help either. Suddenly, the distance the both of you lived from each other seemed like hundreds of miles, the both of you had perfected the near touch in the school halls, and secret keeping had became something you were now a pro at.

"So," you began, "no new stories?"

"Not really." Peter answered. "What about you?"

You shrugged. "Boring day filled with annoying people I'd rather avoid. You sure that spider's dead? I'd let it bite me so I could be your Spider partner."

"Yes I'm sure." Peter chuckled before frowning. "But you already know I don't want you fighting with me. So stop trying to come up with ways to give yourself superpowers."

"I'm just saying, if it'd give me more time to spend with you, I wouldn't care what kind of power I had." You sighed. "But I know. I guess I'll just have to keep waking you up at three AM and bringing you here."

"I complain, but you know I love it. I'd rather spend time with you than none at all." Peter admitted softly.

"I know." You said, snuggling into his side as the both of you looked up, trying to see past the smog of the city to the stars behind it.

The both of you liked to imagine that nothing in the world was wrong whenever you layed there together.  No deadlines, no stress or anxiety. No evil or oncoming threats. It was only you and Peter, like it had been before when the both of you were just kids and blissfully unaware of anything other than the fact that you loved each other more than anything in the world and never wanted to leave each other's side.

Whatever Peter went through, you were right there next to him and vice versa. Through thick and thin. And even though now was one of those thin times, you knew you would never let go of Peter's hand. That the both of you would always find a way to keep your bond strong and no matter what got thrown, the two of you would find a way to slingshot it back and find a way back to normal. Or whatever the new normal was.

"Promise me something?" Peter broke the silence again.

"Hm?" You glanced up, opening your eyes.

A small smile spread across your lips as Peter turned to face you, his hand pushing back your hair. You would've froze that moment if you could; just you and Peter completely alone in the closest thing to nature you could get in the middle of Queens, the sun rising just behind the boy you were lying across from. It felt so perfect.

"Stay with me?"

"Of course." You answered with a short laugh, a little confused. "You'd be crazy if you ever thought I'd leave."

"No Y/N, I mean stay with me." He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to say something else, but the look of hesitation briefly crossed his face.

Your breath hitched for a moment as you realized what he was trying to say. You knew he didn't want to mess anything up or force something that wasn't there, but the both of you knew that could never happen.

"Okay Peter," you whispered. "I promise."

A relieved smile stretched across his lips and Peter closed his eyes as you snaked your arm around him and started playing with the golden brown curls on the back of his head.

"May's going to be up soon, if you wanna leave."

"No." He said softly, securing his grip on you. "She'll know where we are. Just stay. You promised."

"In more ways than one." You laughed lightly. "I always will."

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