Chapter 18

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Link officially declares Greg as his new nemesis.

The hospital was having a hard time containing the paparazzi and stalkers from finding Link. Gabby made a deal with the hospital administration for a workaround: Link was isolated and he is being treated by one nurse who will be working with Dr. Sandy. The FBI only allowed vetted personnel near Link's room and he was grateful that no one complained about the inconvenience. Rhett laughed over Link's initial worry, saying that his stay here was free publicity for the hospital. He pointed at the big room they were in, the fancy sofa installed and the amazing view. Link hated the fact that he felt like a good luck charm that everyone seems to take advantage of..Until he met the nurse they assigned to him..

Greg was a hefty man, a little bit shorter than Link. He was obnoxiously cheerful and it seems to bring out the grumpiness in Link. Greg introduced himself as a long time Mythical Beast and when he noticed how Link was uncomfortable, he did not ease up on his cheeriness. He seems to fake his flamboyant side just to annoy the sick man and Link hated it.

But.. Link needed to pee.

He was hooked up to so many things and he needed to call someone to unshackle him so he could go to the restroom.

He groans loudly, hating his weak bladder for betraying him.

He presses the call button and Greg shows up a few seconds later, leaning on the door frame and trying to blink seductively at Link: "You called, LinkyPoo?"

Link rolls his eyes: "Congratulations. You have officially ruined that nickname for me."

Greg chuckles as he makes his way in to check Link's vitals. The sick man throws the blanket to the side and sits up.

Greg puts his hand on Link's shoulder: "Where are you going?"

Link: "Gotta pee."

Greg nods, starting to disconnect the wires connected to Link and moving his legs to the side: "Let GregGreg help you. Nice and easy."

Link glares at him: "Saying your name twice doesn't make it cute."

Grey laughs: "Tell it to all the ladies. They dig it!"

Link was too light headed to even roll his eyes. When Greg goes to hold his hand to help him stand, Link lets out a long sigh, closes his eyes and whispers: "Gimme a minute."

Greg puts his hands on either side of Link and leans in with a smirk: "I got all day, my angel. I was literally assigned no other patient but you.."

Link rubs his forehead, planning to ignore the annoying man until the lightheadedness subsides. Greg continues on: "Have I ever told you about my band in high school. I was the lead singer and we called ourselves: Slim Juice." He laughs, literally having a one sided conversation with himself. When Link did not respond, he said: "You don't believe me? Brace yourself, LinkyPoo. I'm about to blow your mind with my vocal skills."

Greg takes a deep breath to start singing until Link's resolve cracks and he urgently puts his hand on Greg's mouth to stop him: "God, no! I'm ready.. I'm ready.. Let's go."

Grey smiles at the sick man and holds his arm as Link stands on his feet.

The lights went out for a few seconds for Link.

There was a loud ringing noise and he felt like he was floating as someone was reaching into his body and squeezing the air out of his lungs.

He didn't know how long he stayed in that disoriented state, until something was shoved on his face and cold sweet oxygen once again filled his lung.

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