Chapter 9

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Rhett nods to the agents surrounding him and takes them to Link's house.

He politely asked them to wait before he went upstairs and sat before Christy's closet.

He nocks gently on the door: "Link, are you in there?"

Link hums his response while Rhett lets out a sigh of relief: "Can I join you?"

He hears Link's weak wobbly voice: "There are cameras everywhere.."

Rhett looks around, fully understanding Link's sudden paranoia: "I'll shut the door behind me. I promise no one will see."

Link hums and Rhett cracks the door open and slides in, trying his best to fit his giant body in the cramped closet.

Link doesn't seem to take much space and Rhett takes a good look at him through the dim closet light: "Why are we sitting here, Link?"

Link's lips wobble as he looks at Rhett with the most earth shattering broken look: "I have nowhere else to go.."

Rhett reaches over to touch Link but Link shakes his head so he takes his hand back: "I'm here. I got you."

Link rubs his eyes with his shaky hands: "I'm so tired, Rhett. I can't do this.."

Rhett whispers back: "Do what?"

Link lets out a sob and looks away: "I know I'm not a good person but this is too much. I'm at my limit. I just.. I don't want to be here. I just want to disappear. I lead a meaningless life and I will die miserable and alone."

Rhett reaches over and grabs one of Link's shaky hands: "You are not alone."

Link tries to remove Rhett's hand while sobbing: "Don't touch me. Don't.."

Rhett leans closer, not letting go: "Why?"

Link rubs his tears away and says: "Don't.. I feel so disgusting and stupid.. Just take the kids and go. Let me rot in here in peace."

Rhett pulls the smaller man by the arm until he is almost in his lap and puts his arms around him: "Listen to me because I will only say this once: If you die, I die. I can live without my wife, my dog and my kids. But we've been together for so long, your soul is part of my soul. If you leave this earth, you better believe I will not stay here without you one second."

Link squirms in his arms, pretty alarmed with Rhett's bold declaration: "That's not funny, Rhett!"

Rhett tightens his hold on the skinny man to stop him from struggling: "I'm not joking."

Link lets out a sob: "I'm sick. You can't possibly make that kind of stupid comment to a dead man walking."

Rhett groans: "You're not going to die from this. Not if I have a say."

Link leans on Rhett's warm chest, giving up on fighting his giant friend: "I don't want you to die.."

Rhett lets out a chuckle: "I won't die if you don't die. It's that simple."

They stay in silence for a while until they start hearing commotion brewing outside.

Link sighs: "I'm so embarrassed."

Rhett: "Why? We've done stupider things on our show than what the bastard showed. He actually made you look like a saint."

Link felt fresh tears trickle down his face and his breath stutter: "I'm so stupid.. I thought people liked me.. I thought our crew liked me.. I thought I was a good boss to them.. they hate me, Rhett. How am I supposed to look any of them in the eye ever again?"

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