Chapter 8

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Kevin Kostelnik prided himself as a man who's in the know-it-all. He keeps tabs on what's going on in the world, especially on social media. That's how he survived as a prominent writer and producer in the Good Mythical Morning Show. He was the one with the fresh ideas and creative pitches. He suggested months ago to do a game on the show about Eponym.

Eponym was a grade-A stalker that fancied himself/herself as a seeker of the truth. This person's mission in life is to bring down A-list celebrities and expose them for who they really are. No one knows who he/she is, what is their motive or how they keep doing what they're doing.

Eponym finds a target every 10 months and stalks the hell out of them. By the end of that time period, Eponym releases a forced one hour report of the targeted person by hacking into every network provider in the world and forcing the broadcast on every available device, overcasting every channel and station.. even Youtube. There is no escape. Everyone has to watch it whether they like it or not. No one knows how it's done. Many have tried to stop it and failed. Eponym have ruined careers, relationships and lives. They have created a world where secrets of the famous and wealthy is no longer an option. They have single handedly eliminated three of the top actors in the world and 5 of the best known singers, turning them from Gods to trash within the hour.

At the beginning, it was a big deal. A lot of people went on the news condemning him/her and voicing their disgust with their intrusive methods. Eponym responded by leaking personal embarrassing info or clips of those who opposed them and slowly the world submitted to their will. He/she works in silence, leaving no trace or evidence until the day of broadcast. No one knew who the target was, even the target themselves. It created a vicious cycle that left most celebrities living in fear. Paparazzi were no longer the worst compared to the lengths Eponym went to find the scoop. Her/She loved to sink ships and Kevin knew that mentioning their name on the show would turn some heads.

Link kept blocking his requests every time.

His boss felt strongly about Eponym's ethical motives and loathed the intrusive nature of how they obtain their information. He told Kevin over and over: "No one should find joy in hurting others, even if it's to expose their dark side. Just because they're famous, doesn't mean we have the right to judge them and condemn them. No one is perfect."

Kevin didn't have the heart to argue with him. Link's kind nature and simpleminded approach to life baffles many of the crew sometimes. Rhett called him stupid and praised it as a 'good quality' for their brand. It kind of amazes Kevin and pisses him off sometimes. As a head writer on the show, he is normally one of the ones who speak up for Link when other writers talk shit about him. But nowadays, it's getting harder and harder to defend the stubborn man.

Kevin looked at the clock on the side of his computer screen. It showed up this morning, signaling the upcoming release of the new piece on Eponym's latest victim in 2 hours.

Ellie enters the office and says: "Did you see the count down?"

Kevin nods: "Yeah.."

Ellie stares at him: "You're not planning to suggest the Eponym game again, are you?"

Kevin sighs loudly: "What's the point? Link will shut me down like always."

Ellie sits near his desk: "He has a point. Imagine if you're one of those people Eponym ruined with his intrusive report."

Kevin shrugs: "I'm not famous. I did not sell my soul to the devil and cried when I got burnt for it."

Ellie tsks: "That's dark."

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