Chapter 45

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It turns out, Micheal had a plan.

He wasn't exaggerating when he said that this was why he was busy the past few days. When they got closer to the shore, Link found himself being ushered towards a picnic area with a large blanket and snacks. Micheal even decorated it with lights and pillows. This was definitely thought out and it made Link nervous.

They both sat in silence as Link stared at the beach. He can barely see the water because it was still dark and the sun was just starting to rise.

He whispered to Micheal: "I thought I missed the beach.."

Micheal frowns: "You don't like this beach?"

Link shakes his head and turns to look at his new friend: "I love it. I just realized that what I miss is the feeling of freedom that comes with being in the open.. Not having people follow me for protection or needing to overplan every step along the way. It's been a long time since I just went out on a whim."

Micheal: "Next time, we will swim."

Link huffs a laugh. He can barely finish a lap around the neighborhood before his ailing body quits on him. He's quite certain he cannot handle swimming in the open water any time soon. He looked at the content expression on Micheal's face and didn't want to burst his hopeful bubble so he just smiled and nodded.

Link lays down and leans on one of the cushions, feeling the fatigue and pain of being upright for too long. Micheal mirrors him and does the same. While Link was staring at the ocean as the sun started to show up, Micheal was staring at him.

After sitting for a while in comfortable silence, Link turns to look back at Micheal: "I thought you were done making reports."

Micheal: "I was.. I am.."

Link raises an eyebrow, laying his head down on his arm to save the last of his energy into staying awake.

Micheal scoots closer and grabs Link's other hand: "For a long time, I thought that this world is only filled with rotten people like me. All I wanted to do is prove to everyone that there is no such thing as a 'good person'. Only those who lie better than others."

He looks at his hand as he continues to play with Link's fingers: "Until I meet you.."

A moment of silence passes before he continues: "You are perfect to me. Not only that, your good nature is infectious enough that even I, the scummiest of scum, want to be better just for you. I know that you don't see it and that's one of the reasons why I know that you are genuine in your intentions."

Link shakes his head: "I'm definitely not perfect."

Micheal: "You are perfect in your intent. You introduce good into this world when most of the people in your position would sway in their beliefs."

Link: "Why are you so sure that my intentions are good? You don't know what my motivations are. I could be a good liar.."

Micheal cracks a smile: "You're a horrible liar.."

Link groans, knowing full well that that is a well established fact. He couldn't lie to save his own skin.

Micheal: "Besides.. I know everything about you. I didn't just look at the cover. I read the whole book and memorized the words."

He leans to whisper with a happy smile: "You are an open book to me, Charles."

Link glares at him: "If it was any other person in the world, I would say that that was the creepiest thing that's ever been said to me."

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