Mazes..... not fun.

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(Kat p.o.v)

I was running through the maze trying to avoid death when I ran into someone making us fall to the ground.
"Oh my god I am so sorry! Unless you plan to kill me then I'm not that sorry anymore!" I told as I rushed off of them.
"Kat?!" Someone exclaimed making me look up.
"I think you've winded Dean." He told as he pointed to him.
"I am really sorry about that." I told as I helped him up.
"It's all good. Just glad we found you." He told
I quickly pulled him into a hug shocking them both.
"Your hugging me.... why?" He asked
"Because I'm happy you two came and I found you boys." I told before pulling away from Dean before pulling Sam into a hug.
"How did you get here though?" Sam asked as we pulled away.
"I don't know. I woke up and just started to run. I am not a fan of mazes."
"You aren't?" Sam asked
"Yeah..... saw a weird thing. But please tell me you two know how to get rid of the ghost."
"We think that the body may actually be in the maze. Hence why they are connected to it."
"Well duh. The school used to belong to this rich family and apparently the little girl loved playing in the maze when she died mysteriously. I wouldn't be surprised if at the middle was something to be connected to her."
"You didn't tell us this before?" Dean questioned as we began to make our way to the middle.
"Well I nearly died, then being in the maze and you saying she might be here, kind rebooted that information."
"Good to know I guess." Dean told
We kept walking through the maze and soon came across other people. Sam and Dean were quick to try and protect me from whoever they were.
"Whoa! Who the hell are you three?!" They exclaimed
"I'm Kat." I told
"Kat you don't tell people who you are in case they are bad people." Dean told
"That seems awfully rude."
"You are so weird." He said before focusing on the other people.
"Look. My name is Michael, this is Lucy and Pat."
"We are just trying to get away from the girl." The girl called Lucy told
"Apparently it's a ghost." I told making the boys give me a weird look. "Ok, we are all in the maze where a ghost of a girl wants to be our friend or kill us. I feel like they should be allowed to know."
"She has a point." Sam told as he looked back to Dean.
"I know. I'm Dean Winchester and that's my brother Sam. This is our friend Kat."
"Like the guns?" They asked
"That's what I said!"
"Yes. But no connection." Sam told
"Uni people are so weird." Dean told before we started to continue to walk to the centre.

We continued to walk with us three in the front while the new ones in the group walked behind us.
"We could just hit them so they pass out and make a run for it." Michael told
I instantly grabbed Deans hand making him give me a strange look.
"What's wrong?" He quietly asked so the others didn't hear.
"The one who introduced their group. He said that if they could just knock us out then they can make a run for it." I quietly told
He gave my hand a squeeze before getting Sam attention.
"What?" He asked as he met the same volume.
"Seems the new people might be planning on having us as a sacrifice so they can escape."
"How do you know this?"
"Kat heard it."
"I'm guessing you didn't as well." I stated making them nod. "I just don't like the feel of them. And then I hear that. Just please be careful." I told
"Kat." Dead said making me look up at him as he took his hand before wrapping an arm over my shoulders and giving me a smile. "We will be safe, and I believe you."
"I mean, you've been correct so far with what you've heard. So why wouldn't we?" Sam questioned
"Thank you." I told

"So are you two like a thing or something?" Pat asked
"I just don't really like mazes. So Deans making sure I'm ok, especially since they lost me the first time."
"We thought you were safe in the circle."
"I'm not blaming you. Just stating facts." I told
He pulled me a bit closer towards him which I knew was because he didn't really trust the other three with us.
"She's really cute. Too bad Michael doesn't trust them at all.... maybe I could convince him to allow the girl to come with us."
I looked towards him to see he hadn't moved his lips while he said that, which made me only move closer to Dean. He quickly noticed this, making us stop so he could switch his bags placement and move me to the right side of him, so he was separating me and Pat before he rested his arm over my shoulders again.
"Don't worry. We will keep you safe." He quietly whispered to me making me give him a small smile.
'Why do I keep hearing them say things only to not see it.'

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