Pay back time.

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We walked Gavin and the other Kat out, as I made sure our Kat was ok in my arms.
"Thanks, guys." Kat told us once we were all out of the asylum.
"Yeah. Thanks." Gavin added
"No more haunted asylums, okay?" I told making them nod.
"Is she going to be ok?" Kat asked
"She'll be fine. She's a lot stronger then she looks." I told before they walked towards their car.
I turned to Baby and began to make my way over so I could get Kat in as quick as possible.
"Hey, Dean?" Sam said making me turn to look at him. "I'm sorry, man. I said some awful things back there."
"You remember all that?"
"Yeah. It's like I couldn't control it. But I didn't mean it, any of it." He told though I didn't fully believe it.
"You didn't, huh?"
"No, of course not! Do we need to talk about this?" He asked as I moved to get Kat into the Impala.
"No. I'm not really in the sharing and caring kinda mood. I just wanna get some sleep and make sure Kats ok." I stated making him follow after me.

We were waiting for Kat to wake up in our motel room, which seemed to be taking awhile.
"How hard did you hit her?"
"Dude I don't know. I... my brain was made a mess from what he did."
"You really remember all of that?"
"All of it. It was kinda like when you watch a movie and you have no control over what happens in it." He told making me look down at Kat again.
"Dean... I remember what I said about you and Riv."
"It's all good Sammy. The ghost messed you up a bit."
"Does she actually know if you are dead or not?"
"No. We haven't spoken since you went off to college."
"Wait what? I thought the last time you spoke was when she was 16 maybe close to 17."
"Nope. I ran into her when I went looking for you."
"She didn't tell me that."
"Makes sense. She doesn't tell a lot of people things."
Before he could say any more Kat began to stir in her sleep making us focus on her.
"My head hurts." She told making us chuckle.
"That's cause Sammy hit you in the back of your head knocking you out." I told as she came and sat up more.
"That explains it. Did we kill the ghost?"
"Yeah we did Kat." Sam told making her nod.
"That's good. We're you two talking about anything interesting while I was knocked out?"
"Na. We kinda just read or watched tv as we waited for you to wake up." I quickly told
"I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for knocking you out Kat."
"It's all good Sam, you weren't yourself. I get that."
"I still wanted to make it up to you."
"I was thinking you give me a hit back and call it even."
"Ok. If that's what you want." She told getting off the bed.
"Oh I'm definitely recording this." I stated as I grabbed my phone to start doing so.
"So where am I hitting you?"
"Anywhere you pick." He told making her nod.
She got ready to hit him but before she was about to she stopped herself.
"I can't do it. I can't hit you." She told pulling her hand away from him.
"You sure Kat?" Sam asked
"I'm sure. I mean, it was out of your control, who am I to blame you for that." She stated making Sam let out a sigh of relief.
"Thanks for understanding Kat. Again I'm really sorry."
"Again don't sweat it. I should say though I'm also sorry."
"For what?" He asked before Kat gave him a right hook making him stumble back a bit.
"For that."
"Jesus Kat!" I exclaimed as I stopped recording.
"Sorry. It seemed only fair if you didn't see it coming. No hard feelings?"
"Yeah Kat. No hard feelings. How are you so strong though?"
"Oh I really enjoy boxing and kick boxing.... also Fencing."
"Why didn't you tell us this sooner?" I asked
"You didn't ask."
"Guess we will always be amazed at what we learn about Kat." Sam stated making me nod.
"Guess we will."
"Can we get food. I'm quite hungry."
'Never change Kat.'

(Third p.o.v)

Dean and Kat were asleep in one bed, with her curled up next to him as he had his left arm around her waist, when the phone that belonged to Dean began to ring.
"Dean." Sam told hoping he was awake enough to answer it only for Dean to not move.
He gave his brother a frown before grabbing the phone from the end of the table, checking the number before answering it.
"Hello." He told as he began to listen, before sitting straight up in bed. "Dad?"

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