Hell Hounds lair.

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We walked up the muddy path to the house and it just looked like it was going to crumble at any second.
"I can't say I blame the kid." Sam stated.
"Yeah, so much for curb appeal." Dean added before we began to look around.
We ended up finding nothing but it felt like we weren't the only three here.
'Knowing what is going on with me now doesn't help the fact I still can't control this shit. Thought it would make it easier, now it makes shit more complicated.'
I walked back over to Dean and Sam did the same, and Dean was holding the EMF reader he had made.
"You got something?" Sam asked as Dean tapped the EMF.
"Ye-ah. The EMFs no good." He told making us give him a confused look.
"Why?" We asked before he pointed to some power lines.
"I think that things still got a little juice in it, it's screwing with all the readings."
"Yeah that'd do it." Sam told before looking towards me. "Maybe you've got something?"
"I don't want to sound rude or anything. But can you control your visions and what not?"
"Uh, no."
"Then why the hell would I be able to control my shit once we found out what my shit was?" I asked making Dean chuckle.
"It's fine. I will tell you guys if or when I do sense or hear something." I told making them nod.
"Yeah. Come on, let's go." Dean told.
We walked inside and started to look around, which seemed to be worse looking then it did outside. When we entered the lounge Dean gave a whistle to all the graffiti that was around the place.
"Looks like old man Murdock was a bit of a tagger in his time." Dean told.
"And after his time too. That reverse cross has been used by Satanists for centuries but this sigil of sulfer didn't show up in San Franciso until the '60s." Sam told making Dean stare at him.
"That is exactly why you never get laid." He told.
"It got me laid a few times." I joked looking at a sign that looked awfully similar to something I've seen before.
"Really?" The two asked making me chuckle.
"Once. Kid in a bunch of mythology back at uni, it worked all too well for me. I lied about the others." I told and Dean soon moved next to me to look at the wall.
"Hey what about this one, you seen this one before?" Dean asked as we looked at the cross with a dot in the middle and had what looked to be an upside down question mark.
"No." Sam told.
"I have. Somewhere." Dean admitted.
"There's something very similar to this." I added as Sam rubbed the symbol.
"It's paint. Seems pretty fresh too." He stated.
"I don't know Sam. You know I hate to agree with authority figures of any kind...but the cops may be right about this one." Dean stated.
"Yeah, maybe."
"What now then?" I asked.
Before we could say anything more we suddenly heard a noise making us become alert. We all took a position either side of the door and I stood next to Sam since his wall had the most space for two people. Dean gave a nod before we burst through, only to have a bright light shine in our eyes.
"Oh, cut. It's just a coupla humans." The one with glasses told and we saw he held a camera that he turned off and the one without glasses held a small electrical gadget.
"What are you guys doing here?" The other one asked.
"What they hell are you doing here?" Dean asked.
"Man that chick is hot." The one with the glasses told or thought I guess making me give an annoyed look.
'Kinda wish my powers didn't kick in at this moment.'
"Ah-ha-ha. We belong here, we're professionals?" The guy with the glasses told.
"Professional what?" Me and Dean questioned.
"Paranormal Investigators." The glasses guy told as he gave each of us a business card. "There you go, take a look at that, boys and girl."
"Oh you gotta be kidding me." Dean told as we read it to see who it was.
"Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spangler? Hellhoundslair.com, you guys run that website." Sam asked.
"Yeah." The one with the glasses spoke and I just felt creeped out.
"Oh yeah, yeah, we're huge fans." Dean lied.
"And ahh, we know who you guys are too." He told making the three of us look at him sharply.
"Oh yeah?" Sam asked.
"Amateurs." He stated making Dean lose interest immediately at that. "Looking for ghosts and cheap thrills."
"Yep. So if you guys don't mind, we're trying to conduct a serious scientific investigation here." The one with no glasses told.
"Yeah, what have you got so far?" Dean asked.
"Harry, why doncha tell 'em about EMF?" Ed told.
'Guess we found out who's who.'
"Well.." Harry trailed off making us play dumb.
"EMF?" Sam asked.
"Electromagnetic field? Spectral entities can cause energy fluctuations that can be read with an EMF detector. Like this bad boy right here." He explained before turning it on and Dean smirked at me and Sam. "Whoa. Whoa. It's 2.8mg"
"2.8. It's hot in here." Ed told and Harry waved it slightly in my direction making it jump a bit more.
'I hope its just the electrical pole outside and I don't actually mess with them..... I'm a fucken idiot of course I don't set them off, I'm not dead.'
Dean gave a whistle in admiration about what's happening with them.
"Wow." Sam told.
"So impressive seeing this in real life and not just some movie or tv show." I told pretending like it's not apart of my life.
"Huh. So you guys ever really seen a ghost before, or..." Harry began before Ed continued.
"Once. We were, uh...we were investigating this old house and we saw a vase fall right off the table..." Ed told before Harry jumped in.
"By itself."
"Well we didn't actually see it, we heard it. And something like that...it uh...it changes you." Ed explained.
"I'm sure it would." I told.
"Yeah. I think I get the picture. We should go, let them get back to work." Dean told.
"Yeah, you should." Ed told with slight annoyance.
"Sam. Kat." Dean told making us walk away and leave.
"Never leave me alone with the one with the glasses." I whispered making them give me a confused look.
"Did you....?" Dean began to question but I cut him off.
"He thinks I'm hot and I get the creeps from him."
"Yeah I'm not leaving you alone with him." He told putting his arm over my shoulders as we made our way back to the car.

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