Another one bites the dust.

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We arrived at some field and we made our way to where Cassie is with the same white male from when we arrived into town. Of course, it didn't take a genius to know stuff was not right with them.
"Close the main road. The only road in and out of town? Accidents do happen Cassie, and that's what they are. Accidents." He told her as we neared.
"Did the cops check for additional dinting on Jimmy's car, see if it was pushed?" Dean asked making him look at us before going back to Cassie.
"Who's this?"
"Dean, Katie or Kat and Sam Winchester. Family friends. This is Mayor Harold Todd." She told.
'I guess we didn't tell her my last name this time so it's understandable.'
"There's one set of tire tracks. One. Doesn't point to foul play." He stated.
"Well actually tracks are created when you push on the brakes trying to slow your speed quickly down. If he was being pushed by another car, then it makes sense why there's only one." I explained making him give me a blank look.
'Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.'
"Mayor, the police and town officials take their cues from you. If you're indifferent about..." she began before he cut her off.
"Would you close the road if the victims were white?"
'Oh boy.'
"You suggesting I'm racist Cassie? I'm the last person you should talk to like that." He told.
"And why is that."
"Why don't you ask your mother." He told before walking away, leaving us standing in the field. "I can't believe this is happening all over again."
'All over again? Mhm.'

I was finishing getting changed in the bathroom while the boys finished in the main motel room.
"I'll say this for her, she's fearless." Sam told
"Bet she kicked your ass a couple of times." He told and I knew he was grinning.
"I can see it!" I shouted from the bathroom as I fixed my tights.
"What's interesting is you guys never really look at each other at the Same time. You look at her when she's not looking, she checks you out when you look away. It's just a...just an interesting observation in know...observationally interesting way." Sam told.
"You think we might have more pressing issues here?" Dean asked.
"Hey, if I'm hitting a nerve." Sam playfully told as I began to leave the bathroom to grab my jacket.
"Let's go." He told causing Sam to snicker.

(Dean p.o.v)

As Kat and Sam walked ahead of me on the pier, as I was calling the one person I knew could probably help us.
"Ashley Harper."
"Hey Ash."
"Ahoy hoy Dean. Brother gone up the wazoo again?"
"Na. I need you to figure out what you can about some killings in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Think you can do that?"
"Recent or far back?"
"Late 80s maybe way earlier then that. I'll text more details when I get more information for you, if you will help."
"Yeah I can help. Kinda can't do some lab work till I get some test results on a murder case we are working on."
"Sounds fun."
"Eh, it's kinda the usual here."
"Ash! Your boyfriend needs your help!" Someone on her end told.
"Dumbass I'm on the phone and we aren't dating." She told before she let out a sigh. "I'll call you if I've found anything."
"Will do. Have fun with the case."
"Yeah you as well. Bye."
"Bye." I told before she hung up.
'Weird people.'
We passed the few people that were fishing, before approaching two older men having some lunch.
"Excuse me. Are you Ron Stubbins?" Sam asked making Ron nod.
"You were friends with Jimmy Anderson?" I questioned making him pull a confused look.
"Who are you?"
"We're Mr Anderson's insurance company. We're just here to dot 'I's' and cross 'T's'." I told making us all show our ID's to them before putting them away.
"We were just wondering, had the deceased mentioned any unusual recent experiences?" Sam asked.
"What do you mean, unusual?" He asked in confusion.
"Well visions, halluinations." Sam began before Kat continued.
"Anything like that or very close. Just things that he wouldn't have spoken about or if he was not acting how he usually did."
"It's part of a medical examination kind of thing. All very standard." I added.
"What company did you say you were with?"
"All National Mutual. Tell me, did he ever mention seeing a truck? A big black truck?" I asked.
"What the hell you talking about? You even speaking English?"
'I hate this guy.'
"Son this truck, a big scary monster looking thing?" His friend asked.
"Yeah actually, I think so." I told as the three of us nodded.
"What?" I questioned since I couldn't tell.
"You know what we are talking about don't you." Kat stated and he gave a nod.
"I have heard of a truck like that." He confessed.
"You have. Where?" Sam asked.
"Not where. When. Back in the '60s there was a string of deaths. Black men. Story goes, they disappeared in a big, nasty, black truck."
"That sounds terrible."
"They ever catch the guy who did it?" I asked.
"Never found him. Hell, not sure they even really looked. See there was a time, this town wasn't too friendly to all it's citzens."
'Pretty sure that was everywhere, but ok.'
"Thank you." Sam told before we made our way back down the pier towards Baby.
"Truck." Was all I could say.
"Keeps coming up doesn't it?" Sam questioned.
"Even when they aren't speaking it." Kat told making us give her a confused look. "It's one of those, only I hear it."
"We gotta work that out." I told.
"Let's just focus on one problem at the time." She told.
"You know, I was thinking. You heard of the flying dutchman?" I asked making them both nod.
"Yeah, a ghost ship, infused with the Captain's evil spirit. It was basically part of him." Sam told.
"I loved that bed time story.... My childhood also wasn't normal." She told as we nodded.
"So what if we're dealing with the same thing? You know, a phantom truck, an extension of some bastard's ghost, re-enacting past crimes." I explained.
"The victims have all been black men." Sam stated.
"Makes sense. Especially if he targeted black men in the 60s."
"I think it's more than that." I told making them look towards me to see what I had theorised. "They all seem connected to Cassie and her family."
"All right. Well, you work that angle, go talk to her." Sam told.
"Yeah I will."
"Oh, and you might also wanna mention that other thing."
"Do not forget that other thing." Kat added.
"What other thing?"
"The serious, unfinished business?" They both questioned making me remain silent, which caused them to laugh with a huff.
"Dean, what is going on between you two?" Sam asked.
"We can tell there is more between you two then you'd want to admit." Kat added.
"All right, so maybe we were a little bit more involved than I said."
"Oh, Ok." They told as they continued to stare waiting.
"Ok, a lot more. Maybe. And I told her our secret, about what we do. And I shouldn't have." I confessed.
'The only other person I have told was Ash. And she didn't even bat an eye at it.'
"Ah look man, everybody's gotta open up to someone sometime." Sam told.
"It happens."
"Yeah I don't. It was stupid to get that close. I mean, look how it ended." I told making the two smile at me. "Would you stop!"
They continued to stare and smile making me get annoyed.
"Blink or something!"
"You loved her." Sam told.
"Oh God."
"There is nothing wrong with loving someone." Kat added
"Don't you start Kat." I told as I turned to Baby.
"You were in love with her, but you dumped her." Sam stated but I stayed silent.
I stared at the ground, before glancing towards Sam only to look back towards the ground.
"Oh wow. She dumped you." He told.
"I mean, makes sense if she called you nuts." Kat stated.
"Get in the car." I simply told before getting into Baby. "Get in the car!"
'When did these two get like this?'

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