It's a what?

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We were checking the bedroom with the EMF while Kat tried to use her powers to see if she could sense anything.
"You got anything over there?" Sam asked.
"No nothing." I told.
"Have to say no. I guess my gift is not in use at the moment. What about you Sam?"
"Yeah, me neither." He told and we kept checking till Sam was over at the window.
"Hey Dean? Kat?" He called making us look towards him.
"Yeah." We both asked to see him staring at the windowsill.
"You were right, it's not pneumonia." He told.
We went over to him and we saw he was staring at a handprint. The only problem with that was the fact that it was rotted into the wood.
"It's rotted. What the hell leaves a handprint like that?" Sam questioned making me think back to a memory I had when we were younger.

We were in a random motel room and I was staring at a photo of a handprint. Dad came out of the bedroom, loading one of his sawn off's up.
"All right. You know the drill Dean. Anybody calls, you don't pick up. It's me, I'll ring once then call back. You got that?" He questioned making me nod.
"Mm-hmm. Only answer the phone if it rings once first." I repeated so he knew I knew what to do.
"Look alive, this stuff is important." He told.
"I know, it's just...we've gone over it like a million times and you know I'm not stupid." I pointed out.
"I know you're not, but it only takes one mistake you got that?" He asked making me nod again as he went to continue to gather his things.
"All right, if I'm not back Sunday night...?"
"Call Pastor Jim. And if Pastor Jim isn't available then call uncle Harold." I told cutting him off.
"Lock the doors, the windows, close the shades. Most important..."
"Watch out for Sammy." I told making us both look towards him to see he was sprawled on the couch and that he was watching the tv. "I know."
"All right. If something tries to bust in?"
"Shoot first, ask questions later." I stated making him grasp my shoulder.
"That's my man."

"I know why Dad sent us here. He's faced this thing before. He wants us to finish the job." I informed making Kat and Sam share the same confused look.


I pulled up to a motel reception and we all got out and Sam was questioning things.
"So what the hell is a shtriga?"
"Kinda like a witch I think. I don't know much about them." I explained.
"Well I've never heard of it. And it's not in Dad's journal." Sam stated,
"Dad hunted one in Fort Douglas, Wisconsin, about 16-17 years ago. You were there, you don't remember?"
"No." He admitted.
"Guess he caught wind the things in Fitzburg now and kicked us the coordinates."
"So wait, this..."
"Shtriga." I told.
"Right, you think it's the same one Dad hunted before?"
"Yeah maybe."
"Surprised it lived this long if it is." Kat stated.
"But if Dad went after it how come it's still breathing air?" Sam questioned.
"Cause it got away."
"Got away?" He asked and I was beginning to get frustrated.
"Yeah Sammy it happens."
"Not very often." He countered.
"Well I don't know what to tell ya, maybe Dad didn't have his wheaties that morning."
"What else do you remember?" He asked and I got slightly defensive.
"Nothing, I was a kid all right?" I told.
Before either of them could say anything, I entered reception and rang the bell. A boy around 10-12 came out from the back and I saw a younger boy was watching tv.
"A king or two queens?" He asked making me look back to see Sam was the only one in view.
"Two queens." I told looking back.
"Yeah I'll bet." He quietly told making me raise an eyebrow at him.
"What'd you say?" I asked making him smile.
"Nice car!" He told before a woman entered and smiled at the both of us.
"Hi." I repeated.
"Checking in?"
"Yeah." I told making her nod and turn to the kid who I assumed was one of her kids.
"Ahh, do me a favour, go get your brother some dinner."
"I'm helping a guest!" He stated making her give him a look and he gave a grimace before turning to leave, but I saw he raised his eyebrows at me. "Two queens."
"Funny kid." I told with a fake laugh as he left.
"Oh, yeah. He thinks so. Will that be cash or credit?"
"Do you take mastercard?" I asked and she gave a nod making me grab my wallet. "Perfect. Here you go."
As she dealt with that, I watched through the door as the boy poured a glass of milk for his younger brother.

Sam was sitting at the table and I poured him a glass of milk.
"When's Dad going to get back." He asked as I moved to grab the pot from the stove.
"When?" He asked while I poured the food into a bowl for him.
"I dunno, he usually comes in late though. Now eat your dinner." I told putting it in front of him.
"I'm sick of spaghetti-ohs." He whined.
"Well you're the one who wanted 'em!" I argued.
"I want lucky charms!"
"There's no more lucky charms." I stated.
"I saw the box!"
"Okay, maybe there is but there's only enough for one bowl and I haven't had any yet." I told.
He began to give me his puppy dog eyes making me grimace as I gave in. I grabbed his bowl and dumped the contents into the trash before I thumped the cereal box onto the table for him with the now empty bowl. I moved back to lean against the counter and watched him reach into the box before pulling out the toy and held it towards me.
"Want the prize?"

"Sir?" The woman asked making me snap back to reality and saw she was holding out my card.
"Thanks." I told as I took the card back.

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