The cabin in the woods.

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I was working on the fire to warm the place up for us, while Sam poured salt along the windows to make sure we were safe. Dean soon joined us, making us focus on him.
"How is he?" Sam asked.
"He just needed a little rest, that's all. How are you?" Dean questioned.
"I'll survive." He told before he turned towards us. "Hey, you don't think we were followed here, do you?"
"I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, we couldn't have found a more out-of-the-way place to hole up." Dean pointed out.
"We weren't followed. I don't sense anyone else here." I told making them nod before I stood up and moved to stand.
"Hey, uh... Dean, you, um... you saved my life back there." Sam told.
"So, I guess you're glad I brought the gun, huh?"
"Man, I'm trying to thank you here."
"You're welcome." Dean told before Sam headed across the room. "Hey, Sam?"
"You know that guy I shot? There was a person in there."
"You didn't have a choice, Dean." Sam stated but it was obvious Dean still felt terrible.
"Yeah, I know, that's not what bothers me." He admitted.
"Then what does?"
"Kill that guy, kill Meg. I didn't hesitate, I didn't even flinch. For you or Dad, even for Kat now, the things I'm willing to do or kill, it's just, uh ... it scares me sometimes." He explained making me move so I could hug him.
Sam didn't say anything, which was due to him not knowing what he should say. As we were in this silence, John came into the room and I suddenly felt a shift in the air but I wasn't sure why, so I just stayed close to Dean.
"It shouldn't. You did good." John told.
"You're not mad?" Dean asked, which confused him.
"For what?"
"Using a bullet."
"Mad? I'm proud of you. You know, Sam and I, we can get pretty obsessed. But you – you watch out for this family. You always have." John explained.
'Something isn't right. Definitely not right.'
The wind suddenly picked up and the lights began to flicker, causing us to go over to the window.
"It found us. It's here." John told.
"The demon?" Sam questioned making him nod.
"Sam, lines of salt in front of every window, every door." John ordered and I saw something flicker in his eyes.
"I already did it."
"Well, check it, okay?"
"Okay." Sam told before leaving to do just that.
"Dean, you got the gun?" John questioned.
"Give it to me." He told making Dean take the Colt out of his jeans.
"Dad, Sam tried to shoot the demon in Salvation. It disappeared." Dean pointed out.
"This is me. I won't miss. Now, the gun, hurry."He told and I looked into his eyes, which allowed me to see John screaming for help in his mind.
'That's not John!'
Dean was hesitant to give him the gun and just looked down at it. I grabbed ahold of Deans arm, making him look towards me. I shook my head no, making him realised something was definitely wrong here.
"Son, please." John told before Dean began to back up and made sure I stayed behind him. "Give me the gun. What are you doing, Dean?"
"He'd be furious." Dean told confusing him.
"That I wasted a bullet. He wouldn't be proud of me, he'd tear me a new one." He admitted causing John to just look at him as he raised the gun and pointed it to John, and cocking it. "You're not my Dad."
"Dean, it's me." John told but he wasn't buying it.
"I know my Dad better than anyone. And you ain't him."
"What the hell's gotten into you?"
"I could ask you the same thing. Stay back."
Sam came back into the room and was shocked to see Dean pointing the gun towards their father.
"Dean? What the hell's going on?" Sam questioned.
"Your brother's lost his mind."
"He's not Dad."
"I think he's possessed. I think he's been possessed since we rescued him." Dean told as he was starting to show how upset he was.
"Don't listen to him, Sammy." John told.
"Dean, how do you know?"
"He's ... he's different." Dean told as he was holding back tears.
"You know, we don't have time for this. Sam, you wanna kill this demon, you've gotta trust me." John told.
"Sam. It's not your father, trust me." I told making him look back and forth between us, before Dean glanced and I tapped my head to signal how I knew.
"Sam?" John questioned.
"No. No." Sam spoke as he moved over to stand by our side and John just looked at us.
"Fine. You're both so sure, go ahead. kill me." John told.
He looked down and waited as Dean held the gun on him, but he couldn't pull the trigger on their own father.
"I thought so." John spoke before looking back up at us, revealing his yellow eyes.

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