Getting kicked out.

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We were walking towards Scotty's Café when I got a call.
"Sam I am or Father dearest?" Kat asked.
"Never say father dearest again. And it's someone I asked for a favour." I told before answering it.
"Ok so I told my buddy, his name is Shawn Spencer. He owes me a lot of favours, especially from when I let him crash several times at mine back in Pennsylvania. So I cashed one in, sent him in the direction you were wanting."
"I didn't tell you who or where they were doing."
"Brother looking for ya daddy up in California."
"How the hell did you find that out?"
"You forget how good I am at what I did. Hell if I looked hard enough I could get the location your dad would be at. Look I just called to let you know, is there anything else you need from me?"
"Na should be good for now. Thanks for the help."
"No problem." She told before there was a loud noise on her end. "Shit!"
"Everything ok?"
"Yeah Yeah. Just an experiment, gotta go." She told before hanging up.
'Still the same weirdo she was when we hung out.'

We walked into the cafe to see the couple and Scotty serving them.
"Oh, hey, Scotty. Can I get a coffee, black." I told making him walk away to get it. "Oh, and some of that pie, too, while you're at it."
We sat at the table next to the couple and I noticed Kat had tilted her head slightly, towards Scotty.
"How ya doin'?" I asked making them smile and wave. "Just passing through?"
"Road trip." The girl told.
"Hm. Yeah, us too."
"I'm sure these people want to eat in peace." Scotty told as he came over to refill their cider.
"Just a little friendly conversation. Oh, and that coffee, too, man. Thanks." I told giving Kat a smirk to see she had sunk a little in her chair.
I gave the table a tap making her look towards me so I could mouth if she was ok. To my surprise she said yes, which meant she wasn't but didn't want to worry me since we have a case.
'Gonna make sure she really is ok once I can.'
"So, what brings you to town?" I asked the couple
"We just stopped for gas. And, uh, the guy at the gas station saved our lives." The girl told.
"Is that right?"
"Yeah, one of our brake lines was leaking. We had no idea. He was fixing it for us." The male stated making me concerned what that meant.
"Nice people."
"So, how long till you're up and runnin'?"
"Sundown." He told making me think for a minute.
"Really? To fix a brake line?" I asked making them nod. "I mean, you know, I know a thing or two about cars. I could probably have you up and running in about an hour. I wouldn't charge you anything."
"You know, thanks a lot, but I think we'd rather have a mechanic do it." She told
"Sure. I know....You know, it's just that these roads. They're not real safe at night." I stated.
"I'm sorry?" The girl asked after they both exchanged a look.
"I know it sounds strange, but, uh—you might be in danger." I told making the guy annoyed.
"Look, we're trying to eat. Okay?"
"Yeah.You know, my brother could give you this puppy dog look, and you'd just buy right into it." I told before noticing Kat was slightly beginning to shake more.
'This is bad.'
The café door jingled as another person walked in and Scotty walked out from the back.
"Thanks for coming, Sheriff." Scotty told making me get annoyed at what this could me.
'Son of a bitch.'
Scotty had walked over and whispered something to the Sheriff before looking towards me and Kat causing me to look back at Kat to see she wasn't moving her eyes from the table.
'Kat, I don't know how to help you.'
Soon the Sheriff walked over to the both of us and I knew what was coming.
"I'd like a word, please." He told
"Come on. I'm having a bad day already." I told hoping there was a small chance to get him to leave.
"You know what would make it worse?" He told making me nod slowly.

We were forced to drive out of Burkitsville, causing Kat to calm down slightly.
"You ok?"
"I don't know why but Scotty just creeped me out."
"Probably the town and after effects from the scarecrow."
"Probably." She told before her phone began to ring.
"Who's ringing ya?" I asked as she found her phone the look at the screen.
"My mother." She told making me get a confused look.
"Why is she calling?"
"I do not know."

(Kat p.o.v)

I picked the phone up and instantly heard my mother's voice.
"Hello mother dearest. How have you been?"
"I've been worried sick."
"I don't always call you. We both know this."
"You could have been starving to death for all I knew."
"Mum I'm fine."
"Fine? You got kick out of university and now your gone."
"I'm not gone. I'm travelling, living life. And the whole uni thing was bullshit, I got behind a weeks worth and they kick me out."
"Your travelling? Last time I checked you didn't own a car... or any form of transportation."
"I'm road tripping with some friends I made. One of them had to go do something by himself so we split up for a tad bit."
"Your with strangers?!"
"No. They are good boys mum."
"Then what's their names these boys?"
"Dean and Sam."
"Dean and Sam what?"
"Mum I know you just want their last names to look them up and I'm not doing that."
"I need to know they aren't criminals Katie."
"Trust me I'm very safe when I'm with them."
"I'm coming to see you."
"What?! No mum! I'm on a road trip you can't visit me." I told before my phone was taken off me by Dean. "Dean give it back!"
"Hey mrs. Miller, this is Dean. Look I can promise you that Kat is safe and sound. But we are about to turn in for the night so, night." He told before hanging up.
"Oh she is going to hate you."
"Oh well."
'Weird dude I'm with. But I'm glad I got him.'

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