The missing Winchester.

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We were having a beer while we were sitting at a table, at a bar called Kugel's Keg. While me and Sam went over the research, Dean was throwing darts.
"You make it look easy." I told making him signal me to join his side.
"It's all about how you throw them." He explained before putting it in my hand and showed me.
As soon as I let it go, it hit the outta ring in the ten section.
"I hit it!"
"See. It's easy."
"I bet you 50 bucks I could get it closer to the bullseye then you."
"Kat, you just learnt how to do it. I'm not doing it, when it's not fair."
"Please." I begged making him sigh.
"Fine. But don't come crying when I win."
"Promise." I told before looking at Sam to see he was watching. "You be the judge?"
Dean went first and got it pretty close, it landed in the 20 section right outside the bullseye ring.
"No backing out?" I asked.
"No backing out, Princess." He told handing me one of the darts.
"If you say so." I told.
"You can go closer if it'll help." He suggested.
"No. I'm fine here."
I took a deep breath before throwing it towards the board. I heard the thunk and began to smile as I saw it was right in the centre of the board. I turned towards the boys to see they held a shocked look.
"Don't come crying cause I won." I told making Dean speechless.
"Wha..... how?"
"Oh. My dad was a professional dart thrower. Yeah, I grew up learning and doing it like my whole life." I explained making Sam laugh.
"Dude! She played you!"
"You cheated."
"No. It's playing the cards I hold that others don't."
"Na. I want a rematch." He told making me give him a confused look.
"Another 50. We make it 100, rematch." He told making me grab the dart he held in his hand.
I grabbed my beer and took a dig while I threw the dart not looking at the board, having it land in the first one I threw.
"You wanna try?" I asked making Sam laugh more while Dean held a shocked look before he pulled his thinking face. "I'm not doing another rematch."
"Fine." He told before pulling his wallet out and giving me the 100. "So unfair."
"What can I say? I'm a hustler. I always did this when I was bored and knew it was easy money."
"Kat." Dean began making me tilt my head at him. "I'm so glad we got you kicked out. Because you are awesome."
"Bout time you noticed." I told before Sam spoke and got us back onto the case.
"So, local police have now ruled out foul play. Apparently, there are worse signs of a struggle."
"Well, they could be right, it could just be a kidnapping. Maybe this isn't our kind of gig." Dean told as he went over and felt with the darts.
"Yeah, maybe not. Except for this—Dad marked the area, Dean." Sam told making us come over to him and look at their father's journal. "Possible hunting grounds of a phantom attacker."
"Peculiar." I told.
"Why would he even do that?" Dean asked.
"Well, he found a lot of local folklore about a dark figure that comes out at night. Grabs people, then vanishes. He found this too—this county has more missing persons per capital than anywhere else in the state."
"That is weird." We both told.
"Don't phantom attackers usually snatch people from their beds?" Dean asked making me jump in.
"Jenkins was taken from a parking lot."
"Well, there are all kinds. You know, Springhill Jacks, phantom gassers. They take people anywhere, anytime. Look, Dean, I don't know if this is our kind of gig either." He told making him think.
"Yeah, you're right, we should ask around more tomorrow."
"Right." He told before taking out his wallet. "I saw a motel about five miles back."
"Whoa, whoa, easy. Let's have another round."
"We should get an early start." Sam told.
"He is correct, Dean." I added.
"Yeah, you really know how to have fun, don't you, Grandma, Grandpa?" He told making us smile as he pointed to Sam when he said Grandma and then to me for grandpa. "Alright, I'll meet you outside, I gotta take a leak."
We gave a nod as we got up and he grabbed his coat before heading to the bathroom. I helped Sam gather the research before we left together.

(Third p.o.v)

Kat handed Sam the rest of the research, allowing him to put them in the journal as they walked to the car together.
"Oh. I think someone dropped their wallet." Kat told as she picked it up and looked at the ID before looking back at the Bar.
"You can run in and hand it to one of the barmen."
"You sure?"
"Okie." She told before running back in.
He walked the rest of the way to the car, when he heard a noise and stopped. He placed the journal on the hood of Baby, before taking out a flashlight from his coat pocket. He turns it on and looked around only to see the rows of cars, before he bent down and looked under Baby. When he did, he saw a cat hiding under the car, which hisses at him then runs away.
"Whoa!" He spoke as he was startled at the animal before laughing at himself,
He got up, shaking his head as he waited by the car. What he seemed to have missed was that someone was lurking under the car for him.

(Dean p.o.v)

I was walking towards the door when I saw someone hugging Kat. I walked over and was getting ready to throw punches.
"Hey Kat. Thought you and Sam were gonna wait at the car?" I asked making the two look.
"Oh I was. But then I saw this wallet on the ground, and so I came in to return it to the bar. Only I saw them at the table right here, so I figured just hand it to them."
"She is a life saver."
"Yeah she's a kind soul. Come on, we got an early morning." I told making her nod.
"Bye." He told waving her off.
As we walked off I did the usual and rested my arm over her shoulders. Once we walked out of the bar, Kat stopped and began to look around.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know. Something just feels extremely off." She told before moving closer to me as we began to walk towards the car.
As we walked up to the car we saw Sam wasn't there, but the journal was on the hood of Baby. I opened the car to see if he was inside but he wasn't, making me begin to panic as we looked around.

As we looked around for Sam, we saw a group of people come out of the bar. I quickly walked up making sure Kat was still with me as we walked up to the biker and his girlfriend, who were clearly drunk.
"Hey, you guys been outside, around here in the last hour or so?" I asked and they shook their heads No before walking away, making us frantically look around.
"Sam!" Kat called.
"Sam! Sammy!" I called only to get the same silence Kat was getting.
We kept looking around till I turned around and noticed a surveillance camera on top of a streetlight.
"Kat." I called making her come over to where I was and I pointed towards the camera.
I began to walk into the middle of the deserted road and looks around to see nothing.
"Sam." I called again only to not get anything.
'Son of a bitch!'

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