Vegas Baby!

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(Dean p.o.v)

I was holding Kat as Ms. Miller sat on the couch, in shock about everything while she talked to the police.
"Max attacked me. He threatened me with a gun." She told making him tilt his head to refer to me, Sam and Kat.
"And these three?" He asked.
"They' friends. I called them soon as Max arrived, I was scared. They tried to stop him. They fought for the gun."
"Where did Max get the gun?" He asked making us exchange a quick look and Ms. Miller began to cry as she looked up at the ceiling.
"I don't know. He showed up with it and..." she told before she finally broke down making Kat move and hold her hand like she did at the funeral but her eyes didn't glaze over this time.
'That happened a lot this case.... I'm a bit worried about what's going on with her.'
"It's all right Ms Miller." The cop told as she sobbed.
"I've lost everyone." She told and he turned to me and Sam while Kat gave her tissues.
"We'll give you a call if we have any further questions." He told making me nod.
"Thanks officer." I told before I patted Sam's arm and gave a quick whistle so Kat knew as well. "Come on."

We walked down the path and I pulled Kat under my arm like I usually did to help make her feel better. We walked in silence for a bit till Sam spoke up.
"If I'd just said something else. Gotten through to him somehow." Sam told making me cut in before he went any further.
"Ah, don't do that."
"Do what?" The two asked as Kat interlocked her hand with mine that was over her shoulders.
'That's cute.'
"Torture yourself. It wouldn't have mattered what you said, Max was too far gone." I told.
"When I think about how he looked at me man, right before. I shoulda done something."
"Come on man, you risked your life. I mean yeah, maybe if we had gotten there 20 years earlier." I told as we moved to our respective sides of the Impala.
"Well I'll tell you one thing. We're lucky we had Dad." He told making me look confused as well as a bit pleased he thought that.
"Well I never thought I'd hear you say that." I admitted.
"Well, it coulda gone a whole other way after Mom. I little more tequila and a little less demon hunting and we coulda had Max's childhood. Hell, we could have had it like Riv. All things considered, we turned out ok. Thanks to him." He told making Kat tilt her head to the side a lil like she usually did when she was slightly confused and I turned back to look at Max's house.
"All things considered." I told before opening the drivers door to allow Kat to go in first.

Kat was helping me pack as Sam placed a bag in the trunk of Baby who was backed up to the door, and he returned back inside.
"Dean I've been thinking." Sam told.
"Well that's never a good thing." I joked making Kat chuckle.
"Do we need to make sure you aren't dying, Sammy?" She added making me laugh with her.
"I'm serious. I been thinking, this demon, whatever it is. Why would it kill Mom, and Jessica, and Max's Mother, you know? What does it want?" He asked like it would help clear everything up.
"I have no idea." I admitted.
"Well, you think, maybe, it was after us? After Max and me?"
"Why would you think that?"
"I mean, either telekinesis or premonitions, we both had abilities you know? Maybe he was after us for some reason."
"Sam. If it had wanted you, it would've just taken you. Ok? This is not your fault, it's not about you." I told to try and help reassure him.
"Then what is it about?"
"It's about this damn thing that did this to our family. This thing we're gunna find and kill. And that's all." I told.
"And then who knows what will happen after. But we will be together." Kat told,
"Actually theres uh...something else too." Sam told making us worry.
"Ah jeez what?" I asked.
"Now I'm actually worried you are dying." Kat confessed.
"When Max left me in that closet, with that big cabinet against the door...I moved it." He explained making me and Kat go back to packing.
"Huh. You got a little more upper body strength than I gave you credit for."
"No man, I moved it. Like, Max." He told making us pause and stand still.
"Oh." I simply said making silence fall between the three of us before I broke it by softly speaking. "Right."
"That's something." Kat told before I picked up a spoon and showed him.
"Bend this." I told making him become frustrated.
"I can't just turn it on and off Dean."
"Yeah I feel that." Kat told making us give her a look. "You know with how I sometimes hear things.... I guess also see now as well. My head hurts just thinking about it all."
"Well how'd you do it?" I asked as I looked towards Sam again, and I gave Kats hand a squeeze to let her know we were going to also help her.
"don't know, I can't control it. I just...I saw you  and Kat die and it just came out of me, like a punch. You know like...a freak adrenaline thing." He explained and I could tell he was freaking out about what we might be thinking about him.
"Yeah well I'm sure it won't happen again." I stated as I finished up with Kat doing the same a few seconds after.
"Yeah, maybe. Aren't you worried man. Aren't you worried I could turn into Max or something?" He asked making me and Kat speak at the same time.
"Nope. No way. You know why?"
"No. Why?" He asked
"Cause you got one advantage Max didn't have." I told making him pull a confused look.
"Dad? Because Dad's not here Dean." He pointed out as I grabbed my jacket off of the bed.
"No. Me." I told with a smirk on my face.
"And me." Kat added matching my smirk.
"As long as me and Kat are around, nothing bad is gunna happen to you." I told causing him to pull his puppy dog look and Kat got a bit excited.
"Oh! The puppy dog look!" Kat told as I swung my bag over my shoulder and moved towards Sam with Kat close behind.
"Now then. I know what we need to do about your premonitions. I know where we have to go." I told making them give me a confused look.
"Where?" They both asked.
"Vegas." I told.
As soon as I gave a grin to Sam, he tilted his head to look away, before looking back showing his Bitch face and walking out the door to Baby. "What? Come on man. Craps tables. We'd clean up! As long as I don't have a negroni."
"What happened last time you had that?" The two asked.
"Messed me and my buddy Ash up. It's such a good drink though."
I followed to two to the door and paused on the threshold. I considered what was happening to the two and why it's only just started not too long ago for them, before I turned and pulled the door shut behind me.

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