Not an ordinary ghost.

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We pulled back up to hell house in the morning since there were emergency vehicles and people moving about. As we headed towards a man that was standing outside of the place, a girls body was brought out on a stretcher.
'Oh my.'
"What happened?" Dean asked as we neared the man.
"A coupla cops say a girl hung herself in the house." He stated.
"Suicide?" Sam questioned.
"Help me!" A girls voice told as I followed the girl while they talked.
When the paramedics left her to go do something I carefully placed my hands on her head and my vision changed and it was now night time for me.

'I may never get used to this.'
I looked behind me to see another girl and a guy.
"This is it. The point of no return." He told making me look towards the house before looking back.
"Why do I have to go in there?" I questioned but I had no control over what I said.
"Because Jill you chose dare." The girl told.
'Ok. Her name is Jill and this is a dare.'
"You either have to grab a jar from Mordechai's cellar and bring it back or..." the girl told before the guy took over.
"...or you can make out with me."
"I'll take the homicidal ghost, thanks." I told as I glared towards the two, before turning on the torch and slowly approached the house by myself.
I cautiously moved inside and as I walked towards the cellar, I heard a noise similar to knives being sharpened.
"Hello? Hello? Is there anybody there?" I questioned.
'Lady, this is how people die in horror movies!'
I continued to make my way to the cellar and looked around once I reached the bottom. Once I spotted what I needed, I moved over towards the jars. As I neared, one fell making me jump back in a panic.
"Ok. ok ok ok." I repeated to calm my nerves.
I turned around to see Mordecai there and he threw a rope around my neck as I screamed. I tried to fight my way out of it as I continued to scream, before I was hoisted into the air.

I let go of her head and put my hand onto my neck.
'Poor Jill.'
I rushed back over to Sam and Dean, to see Dean had a slightly panicked look before he saw me rushing over.
"You ok?" He asked.
"I saw it."
"Saw what?" They both asked.
"She came here on a dare. Had to get one of the jars in his basement, and he killed her."
"Dean? What's next?" Sam asked.
"We do what we do best, Sammy. We kill this son of a bitch." He told.

We waited till it was night to return to the house of hell. As we crouched in the bushes we saw there was a cop car parked outside while the two stood watch.
"I guess the cops don't want anyone else screwing around in there." Sam stated.
"Don't blame them. The death I saw was very painful." I confessed before Dean spoke.
"Yeah but we still gotta get in there."
"This will be the movie deal of the century."
'Ed?..... hell hounds are here.'
"Hell hounds." I whispered making Dean give me a confused look before hearing whispers.
The two of us peaked from our hiding place to see the two creep their way towards the house.
"I don't believe it." Dean told in disbelief making Sam spin to look to see what we saw.
As the two approached the house hunched over, wearing all sorts of gadgets, whispering to one another and also shh-ing each other, we all held an annoyed look towards them.
"Fucken dumbasses." I stated.
"I got an idea." Dean whispered before slightly rising more to his feet and he turned towards the cops as he cupped his hand to his mouth. "Who ya gunna call!"
"Wha...huh?" The two ghost fools questioned and the cops spotted them.
"Hey you!" One of them exclaimed before their voices got muddled together as they gave chase.
As the cops chased after Ed and Harry back down the path, me made a break for the house as we laughed at the fact this actually worked.

Once we were inside Sam breaks out the rifles and handed one to Dean before he gave me the crowbar.
"Am I not trusted with guns yet?" I asked.
"We wanna teach you and make sure you won't hurt yourself." Dean stated making me nod before he turned on the flashlight he had and pointed it to the familiar symbol. "Where have I seen that symbol before? It's killing me!"
"Come on, we don't have much time." Sam told making us head into the basement and look around.
As we did, I saw Dean looking at the jars and picked one up for a closer look of the pale red liquid.
"Hey Sam. I dare you to take a swig of this." He told making me pull a disgusted look.
"Gross." I admitted.
"What the hell would I do that for?" Sam questioned.
"...I double dare you." He told with a grin making Sam shake his head before looking away.
"Yeah you two are definitely brothers." I joked.
Before we could talk some more, we heard a noise making us go on alert and move towards the cabinet. I moved to Deans side before he gave Sammy the nod to open it. When he did, rats came rushing out to get away from the torchlight. I jumped slightly when one ran over my foot and Dean was also lifting his feet up to avoid them.
"Arghh! I hate rats." Dean confessed.
"I only hate them when they unexpectedly touch me.
"You'd rather it was a ghost?" Sam asked the two of us.
"Yes." We both told before I grabbed ahold of Deans arm seeing Mordecai had now appeared.
They both saw the look I had a swung around to see him lift his axe above his head. Sam shot him twice only for him to still be there, causing Dean to shoot him again making him most away.
"What the hell kind of spirit is immune to rock salt?" Sam questioned.
"I dunno. Come on. Come on come on!" Dean exclaimed.
We ran towards the stairs as he smashed his axe down, catching the shelves and causing the jars to come crashing down on Dean. I quickly whacked him with the crowbar only for it to not work and before he could hurt me or do worse, Sam began to fight him allowing me to get Dean to his feet.
"Go! Get outta here!" Sam exclaimed.
As we rushed to the stairs, Mordecai smashed the electrical box causing sparks to fly everywhere. And it allowed us to bolt for the door.

We burst out of the front of the house and fell through the emergency tape, before rolling down the steps. We immediately rushed to our feet and kept running from the house and saw the two hell hound people there.
"Get that damn thing outta my face." Dean told them as we rushed past them.
"Go go go!" Sam shouted to make us run quicker.
"I hate this case!" I exclaimed as we did so.

The hunter from Uni.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ