A shocking turn of events.

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~ (Episode 12: Faith) ~

"What do you got those amped up to?" Sam asked as Dean handed us the tasers.
"A hundred thousand volts." He admitted making me give a whistle.
"Yeah, I want this rawhead extra frickin' crispy. And remember, you only get one shot with these things. So make it count."
"Will do." I told making Dean mess my hair up.
'Why do I have a bad feeling about this?'

We slowly moved down the basement stairs with our tasers and flashlights, when we heard a noise in the cupboard.
'Guess we head to that.'
Once we got to the cupboard Dean quietly grabbed ahold of the handle and gave us a nod.
"On three. One. Two. Three."
He swung the door opened to show a young boy and girl crouched inside, covering their ears.
"It's ok. We're not gonna hurt you." I whispered to them as we lowered our guns.
"Is it still here?" Sam asked in a whisper making them nod.
"Ok. Grab your sister's hand, come on, we gotta get you out of here. Let's go, let's go." Dean told making us all move towards the stairs. "Alright, go!"
Sam first headed up the stairs with the children when something grabbed his leg, knocking him back down. The kids screamed before quickly running all the way up to the top of the stairs as I was knocked into a wall.
"Sam! Kat!" Dean exclaimed as he shot his taser only to miss. "Sam, get 'em outta here!"
"Here take this!" He told throwing my taser that landed near him before helping me up so we can run up and get the children out of there.
We rushed out of the house and got the children to safety before we both rushed back in to help Dean with the ghost. We rushed back downstairs and I ended up skipping a the last few steps, only for us to see Dean unconscious in the corner not moving at all.
"Dean!" We both exclaimed as he rushed over.
Sam quickly joined his side and half lift him holding his face and I quickly realised what had happened.
'Oh god no!'
"Dean, hey. Hey." Sam exclaimed as I fell to the ground with tears rolling down my face.
'No, no, no, no. Please god no!'

Everything felt numb as I sat in the hospital while Sam stood at the desk with a receptionist. I would focus in and out on the world as I couldn't stop replying the scene I saw at the house.
"Sir, I'm so sorry to ask. There doesn't seem to be any insurance on file." The receptionist told as I focused in again.
"Right. Uh, ok." Sam told and I looked to see he removed another card from his wallet and gave it to her.
"Okay, Mr. Burkovitz." She told as she looked at the card.
I looked back down towards the ground when I heard footsteps. I looked slightly towards the cops to see Sam was going towards them but made sure he stayed close for my sake.
"Look, we can finish this up later." One of them told.
"No, no, it's okay. We were just taking a shortcut through the neighborhood. And, um, the windows were rolled down, we heard some screaming when we drove past the house, and we stopped. Ran in."
'And now Dean is in hospital.'
"And you found the kids in the basement?"
"Well, thank God you did."
"How is your friend going?" One of them asked making Sam look towards me.
"Okay as we can be with this." He told before I heard something.
"I just got to find the boy and girl for the electrocuted person."
Once we saw the doctor I got up and headed straight for him, making Sam have to rush after me.
"Excuse me." He told them but I couldn't care.
I just needed to know about Dean. Once we made it to the doctor I could tell from the look on his face that he had little good news for us.
"Hey, Doc. Is he..." Sam began as I was too afraid to speak.
"He's resting."
"The electrocution triggered a heart attack. Pretty massive, I'm afraid. His heart...it's damaged." He told and I tried to hold the tears back.
"How damaged?"
"We've done all we can. We can try and keep him comfortable at this point. But, I'd give him a couple weeks, at most, maybe a month."
'I'm going to lose him.....'
"No, no. There's, there's...gotta be something you can do, some kind of treatment."
"We can't work miracles. I really am sorry." He told us before walking away.
'I can't lose him.... I just can't.'

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