This doesn't feel right.

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We were back at Evelyn's place during the day and Sam was picking the lock this time.
"Ahhh...isn't this a crime scene?" Sarah asked.
"Yep." I told giving a smile.
"You've already lied to the cops, what's another infraction." Dean added.
"So how did you do that stuff about guessing what I was thinking?" She questioned towards me.
"It's not guessing. I'm a psychic." I admitted.
"Right, and I'm not standing here with three criminals." She told with a chuckle before she saw how serious we look. "You serious about this one as well?"
"Sadly. It's only recent knowledge per say." I told with a shrug before Sam got in.

Once we were in the lounge, Sam lifted the painting down from the wall, allowing us to examine it.
"Aren't you worried that it's...gonna kill us?" Sarah asked.
"Nah, it seems to do it's thing at night. I think we're all right in the daylight." Sam stated while Dean was comparing the painting to the picture in the book we had.
"Sam, Kat, check it out. The razor, it's closed in this one but it's open in that one." Dean pointed out.
"What are you guys looking for?" Sarah asked.
"Katie......." Someone called making me look to see no one.
"Well if the spirits changing aspects of the painting maybe it's doing so for a reason." Dean suggested before I heard the voice again.
"Katie...... follow me." They told making me feel some kind of pull.
"Hey hey look at this. The painting in the painting." Sam pointed out as I followed where I was being pulled.
I walked through the house as I followed the pull, till I was being lead upstairs. I carefully made my way up to the second floor, and began to feel the pull getting stronger the closer I go to where it was leading me. I walked into a study type of room, before the door shut behind me.
"Well that's not creepy." I pointed out as I looked at it.
I looked forward again to see him again, making me move away from him.
"What do you want?" I questioned but he didn't say anything. "Cat got your tongue?"
He shook his head side to side before looking up and pointed to his throat, revealing that it was also slit.
"Right. You actually can't speak." I told making him slowly nod that I got it correct. "Why aren't you hurting me? You hurt all those other people, but why not me?"
He slowly raised his hand again like the night before making me carefully put mine over it.

I was brought back to the house from before and I went towards the kitchen where I thought the scream might have come from. When I looked in, I saw who I believed was his wife lying on the ground as a pool of blood began to form from where it was dripping out of her throat being slashed. I rushed over to her like I had to and dropped to my knees next to her. She was barely alive as I picked her up into my arms and had her look up at me. She gave a panicked look before succumbing to her injuries making tears roll down my face as I cried for her death. As I cried I felt a sharp pain form in my throat before a warm liquid followed after. I turned around to see why I felt a presence behind me, only for everything to go black.

When I awoke with a fright I put a hand to my throat like I was trying to stop what had happened, only to feel my skin was still the same as it was before.
"Kat it's ok. Your ok." Dean told making me look towards him to see we were in Baby now.
"What happened?"
"You don't remember?" Sam asked making me shake my head.
"I remember I was in a study like room." I pointed out as I processed what he had me see.
"You were having one of your visions it seems." Dean told making me nod. "Do you remember what it was?"
"I walked into the kitchen and his wife died in his arms before I felt a pain on my throat. It went black after that." I admitted.
"Well this just got more interesting." Dean uttered.
'I don't understand what's going on with this case.'

We were walking through the graveyard, past the dozens of graves of the undead. Of course I could feel thousands of souls around us, I just didn't know if they were good or not. I grabbed Dean's arm making him move to wrap his arm around my shoulders like usual to help me feel safe.
"This is the third boneyard we've checked. I think this ghost is jerking us around." Dean stated slightly annoyed.
"So this is what you guys do for a living?" Sarah asked.
"Not exactly. We don't get paid." Sam admitted.
"Well, Mazel tov." She told as me and Dean saw a mausoleum.
"Over there." Dean told making us head to it,
Dean was the one to break the lock, allowing us to enter, and Dean was the one to push aside the cobwebs while I tried to avoid them.
"You scared of spiders?" Sam asked.
"No I just hate the feel of cobwebs." I admitted.
"Our cousin River is terrified of them. She says it's cause one bit our cousin Kenny, not biologically related. But we all kinda know she was terrified of them way before that." Dean told with a chuckle at the end.
There were several name plates on the wall, and in little glass fronted boxes were four urns. Sarah looked into one that had a doll, which most likely belonged to the little girl.
"Okay, that right there is one of the creepiest things I've ever seen." She pointed out.
"It was a...sort of tradition at the time. Whenever a child died sometimes they'd preserve the kids favorite toy in a glass case, put it next to the headstone or crypt." Sam explained.
"It's kinda sweet. If I'm cremated, burn my prize possessions with me, which will be easy as fuck."
"Notice anything strange here?" Dean asked having us think.
"Where do I start?" Sarah questioned making Sam snicker as he looked at her.
"No, look at the urns." He told.
"There are only four." Sam pointed out when he realised.
"Yeah Mom and the three kids. Daddy dearest isn't here."
"So where is he?" Sam asked.
"Getting the milk?" I joked.


Me and Dean walked out of the office building with what we were able to find about daddy dear, and we headed towards Sam and Sarah who were sitting on a small wall, waiting for us.
"Am I interrupting something?" Dean asked as we joined them.
"No." Sam told.
"No, not at all." Sarah added making Dean look between the two.
'Definitely did.'
"Huh. Apparently."
"So what'd you get?" Sam asked to change the topic.
"Paydirt. Apparently the surviving relatives of the Merchant family were so ashamed of Isaiah that they didn't want him interred with the rest of the family." Dean began before I continued.
"So, they gave him over to the county instead, and the county gave him a pauper's funeral. Economy style. Turns out he wasn't cremated, he was buried in a pine box."
"So there are bones to burn." Sam pointed out.
"There are bones to burn." We both told.
"Tell me you know where."
"We know where." We both told.

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