14: ☆ detention ☆

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"Are you saying it'd be an arranged marriage," I bellowed out, "but they can't do that!"

"Well that's how it happens in my family," she sighed, "we probably would have been in an arranged marriage when we were children if the Malfoy's weren't so hesitant about me."

"How are you worse than them?" I scoffed.

"Well I'm a Gryffindor remember? Might have pure blood in me but I'm still a family traitor."

"Thar's ridiculous. Don't worry, we'll get married instead and I'll save you from him," I giggled.

"I'll think about taking you up on that offer," she laughed along with me, "I also might've come up here because of a little rumor I heard that you and Weasley boy broke up..." she said slowly, gaging my reaction.

"Yeah," I frowned, "I was going to tell you when I found you, it's just been such a busy week."

"What happened?" she sat on my bed. I had to tell myself to take a couple breaths so I wouldn't let myself slip into that heartbroken place. Once I was sure that I wouldn't start to cry, I opened my mouth. I told her everything that had happened starting from the moment we stepped on the train and up until tryouts yesterday.

"Alright honestly?" she said after I had finished my twenty minute story, "he sounds like a jealous bitch to me. Also, I've always hated Angelina so if you want to put hair remover in her shampoo, I wouldn't be opposed to it."

"Anastasia!" I lectured smacking her arm.

"What! Don't tell me she doesn't deserve it." I laughed but she kept going, "I mean seriously. I don't know the Weasley's that well, but they seem like the most stubborn bunch. I mean you remember how long Ron went without talking to Harry last year over the tournament." Huh she was right, I didn't even think about that, "so he probably didn't want to admit he was insecure and jealous to you so he went about it the best way he knew."

"But that's not what I want," I shook my head, "I mean I understand if I would've properly done something wrong, but I want someone to fight for me, stay with me when things are rough, and this year will prove to be that."

"What do you mean a rough year?" she asked confused. In that moment I bit down on my lip and debated revealing to Anastasia the secret about my Seer powers. Outside of the order and my family, nobody else knew the truth. It would be nice to have a third person outside of this order mess to give me advice on it. But I closed that door in my mind and chose not to bring it up.

"I just meant because of OWL's this year you know," I fake smiled.

"Oh yeah I completely failed muggle studies last year. I hope your dad doesn't hate me," she said making me laugh.

"Speaking of dad, I'm supposed to meet him to go to Hogsmead right about now, so I'll talk to you later okay?" I said giving her a hug goodbye.

I walked down the corridor of the castle trying to make my way to my dad's classroom. For a Saturday afternoon there were quite a lot of people walking inside the castle. A commotion seemed to be happening as there was a circle of people surrounding something.

"Lee what's happening?" I asked him, spotting him in the back of the circle.

"I don't know, something about Malfoy I think," he shrugged. I pushed my way past everyone and was shocked when I got to the front. In the center of the circle was Malfoy with his goons, levitating one of the Gryffindor second years that had come to our tryouts last night.

"Put him down!" I demanded feeling my face get hot in anger.

"Or what, Pine?" Draco taunted. I pulled out my wand and with no hesitation shot a spell at him. The bat-bogey hex hit him straight in the face and he dropped the second year from the air.

Irresistible - f.weasleyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ