Start from the beginning

Mbuso:“ thank you love ” he kisses me.

Preston:“ ok I’m going to make breakfast ”

Me:“ I need both of you not to leave, they are going to deliver furniture any minute from now ”

Preston:“ finally ”

Me:“ shut up press ” we laugh, he starts making breakfast

Mbuso:“ when are we having someone to help us around the house love? ”

Preston:“ and you need nannies ”

Me:“ I don’t know baby, I’ll ask mah to find us someone ”

Him:“ please do ” the gate bell rings and so as my phone, mbuso picks it up “ hello?.... Yes this is her husband, what company are you from again?.... Ok give us five minutes ” then he hangs up

Me:“ they are just a furniture company boo ”

Him:“ we can’t take chances baby, I have to check the security footage how many are they. I don’t want strange men in my house around my pregnant wife ” he leaves I guess to do a background check on them and we look at each other with press and he sighs and I shake my head. He comes back after ten minutes and opens the gate for them. I go the living so I can direct them on where to put the furniture.

Mbuso comes back and is followed by two women, they are walking behind him and clearly checking him out, I smile and shaking my head. I don’t blame them cause of I was them and saw this fine man I would be all over him like white on rice, he comes to me then kisses me.

Me:“ hello ladies I’m lungi and this is my husband ” I greet them smiling

Lady1:“hello mrs… . ”

Me:“ just call me lungi ”

Mbuso:“ I’ll be in my office love ”

Me:“ but I asked you to help out ”

Him:“ don’t worry they have enough hands and pres is here too but tell me if you need my help ”

Me:“ I’m sorry to bring this now but I wanted to ask you something concerning pres ”

Him:“ what’s wrong? ”

Me:“ I wanted to ask of its okay with you that we have a bedroom for him, not just a guest bedroom but his room ” he smiles

Him:“ will that make you happy? ”

Me:“ kakhulu ” (very)

Him:“ it’s fine with me love. ” I smile

Me:“ thank you baby, I’ll bring your breakfast ” he kisses me then leaves and I lol at the two women and gosh they are eye fucking him and they sigh after he leaves what the hell . “ ok ladies, what are your names again? ”

Lady1:“ thembi ”

Lady:“ zonke ”

Me:“ ok you have your laptop with you right? ”

Thembi:“ yes I do ”

Me:“ ok let’s go to the kitchen so I can see I was you how I want the whole decorated. ” they follow me to the kitchen and find press cooking a storm. “ so much food pres? ”

Him:“ they are coming here ”

Me:“ they who? ”

Him:“ the whole family ”

Me:“ oh pres where am I going to sit everyone? ”

Thembi:“ we can start putting the furniture in the dining and living room ” she says taking out her laptop

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