Neverland Punishments

Start from the beginning

Wendy and Percy made it aboard, they hid behind a few of the shipments and right as they picked up the anchor and set off, there was another unplanned guest aboard the ship.

"Did you really think it's be that easy?" He mocked before walking up to the captain.

"What do you mean?" He asked genuinely puzzled.

"You have a couple of stowaways aboard your ship Hook." Pan said before walking to the shipments and with a flick of his wrist the two people hiding behind them were revealed. The pirates stayed back, they knew better to meddle with Pans affairs.

"Well well, My Wendy-Bird is trying to fly away... and a lost boy." He spoke playfully as if he didn't already know. Percy dared not speak but Wendy, Wendy had fire.

"I. Want. To. Leave" she spoke confidently, trying to hide her nerves but the small twitch of her hand itching to grab the other in anxiousness gave her away.

"Now, why would I do that My Wendy-Bird..." he said quickly moving towards her and wrapping an arm around her waist pulling her to him.

"When your mine." He spoke possessively.

"I am no ones but my own." She replied, clenched her fist to hold in her rage.

"Let's make a deal shall we?" He replied simply ignoring what she said. Every pirate on the ship froze. A deal with Pan was worse than one with Rumplestiltskin himself.

"What deal?" She gritted our. She was boiling with rage but somewhere in the back of her mind her nerves were taking a hold of her from being this close to Pan.

"I let Percy go and you have to go back to the island. Deal?" He spoke mockingly as if she had a real choice. He backed up and held out his hand for her to shake. Percy went to Interfere but a small, unnoticeable movement by pan held him to his place. Wendy hesitantly shook his hand. To her it was better than Percy being punished.

Pan smirked and percys face paled. With a click of his fingers Wendy appeared back on the island in their treehouse with a new spell that prevents her from leaving it. Back on the pirate ship Pan is holding Percy by the collar over the edge of the boat.

"Did you really think you'd be able to escape. I control who comes and leaves the island. I control everyone on this island. I am the king of Neverland. And Peter Pan never fails." He spoke before letting go and disappears while Percy is at mercy to the mermaids.

The last and the worst punishment of all. Getting your shadow torn off.

Wendy had been planning her escape for a very long time. She had taken some pixie dust from the small stash that Pan kept hidden. She sprinkled it on her and made her mad dash for the beach. The lost boys chased after her almost instinctively, they'd been used to her running for a very long time. But it was fun for them, it was a game of tag or chase. But they didn't expect the dust. She made it to the beach and thought of the most happiest thoughts she could muster and floated into the air. They were not allowed to harm her so they had to lower their arrows. Pan had just made it to the beach when he saw her float. He growled at the thought that she stole and used precious pixie dust. He flew after her and pulled her into the water to get the dust off. After a few seconds he brought her back to land and sent the lost boys back to camp. Wendy coughed a little from water getting in her lungs.

"Don't you get it My Wendy-bird! Your never leaving! This is Neverland and I control it. Even if you had made it to the star I would have known and gotten you back in seconds! You have no where to go! Time works differently here, you have no one left out there! And you used the dust, you've left me no choice. Your stuck here My Wendy-Bird. It's time you learn to accept it." He spoke before taking his place behind her and began to tear of her shadow. She cried out and the made him pull a little less but, as said before. A shadow is apart of you and it hurts like hell to have it taken off. Once he was done he held onto it to ensure it wouldn't fly off then he called his own shadow. He handed his shadow hers and the shadow flew off. Wendy passed out from pain and exhaustion. He caught her and they flew back to the treehouse. Once again she was locked in.

Years later when Wendy escaped Neverland she never felt whole, she had not shadow. She was missing a part of her, but she learned to live with it and eventually she didn't even notice.  Pans shadow still kept hold of hers. Pans shadow was possessive over Wendys shadow as Pan would be Wendy. When Wendy got her memory's taken she didn't even think about not having a shadow, so she never bothered to look. When Pan and his shadow went to StoryBrooke, Pans shadow left Wendys in Neverland. But when Pan returned with the lost boys, it snuck right through.

Flashback over


Sorry if this sucks, I needed to give a explanation for things 😆
Should I do a backstory of Killian and Wendy? Let me know 😁

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