Prize -Kat's POV

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Kat's POV-

I tried my best to smile when I got into his car. It wasn't very convincing though, so I just took a long gulp of the hot coffee from my thermos.

Mmm coffee. The only reason to even get up out of bed.

"Well good morning, beautiful," Erik told me nicely. He eyed me while I was drinking the drink from the Gods with an amused look. "I see that I am very easily replaced by your coffee," he joked.

"Shush, my baby! You know that I would never even consider replacing you, love."

"Glad to be reassured," he snorted.

"I was talking to the coffee," I said with a sweet smile and then kissed my thermos.

Erik busted out laughing and shook his head at my antics. His laugh was almost enough to make the morning a bit more bearable.

"Here," he said as he handed me a breakfast sandwich. "I brought you some breakfast."

My nose instantly turned up at it, but I grabbed it from him, nonetheless. "Thank you, I'll eat it later."

"Kat," his voice was firm as we were driving down the road.

"Erik," I copied. He stared me down as soon as he got to a stop sign. "What? You don't trust me to eat it later?" I asked him. I knew I was starting a fight, but my crankiness didn't care.

"Kat, that's not fair."

"What's not fair is that you don't trust me!" I said very irrationally.

I mean, really... He had very probable cause to not trust me when it came to food. I shouldn't have blamed him. However, I was extra cranky that morning from my crappy sleep the night before, and in all honesty... I just didn't really want to eat that early.

"Katherine, stop!" He practically growled making my eyebrows raise. "Don't be like that."

"And what exactly does 'like that' mean, Erik?" He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off before he got anything out. "I suggest you choose your words very wisely, Erik. I am cranky, have only had a few sips of coffee, nauseous because of the smell of food in the morning, in a shit mood because of my nightmares, and frankly just straight up not having a good time right now. So, yes, please tell me exactly how to be."

Erik heaved a giant sigh as we sat at a red light and then he just laughed. He for real just busted out laughing and shook his head over and over again as we sat there in the car.

"What?" I asked annoyed that he was laughing at me.

After he began driving again and recomposed himself, he finally answered. "It's just... I would have never pegged you to be so cranky in the mornings. I thought that when you said that you're not a morning person you meant," he paused his words. "...I don't know, but not this."

"Sorry... I just think it should be illegal for anything to begin before ten AM, school especially." We both laughed. "I'm sorry, I know it's not an attractive trait of mine. I'm just a night owl, so mornings are not fun for me."

"It actually humanizes you a bit," he said with a shrug. "Is this how you are every morning?"

"Some days are worse than others," I answered. "You don't have to pick me up if you don't want to."

"I want to," he reassured. "I can't wait to get Chris in here one if these mornings to get his ass handed to him by you. It'll be so much fun!"

I snorted at his words. I couldn't believe that my crappy attitude hadn't driven him away from me. My parents always told me that no one would ever like me if that was how I acted. I could contain it most days, but early mornings on cranky days didn't work out sometimes. It was just Erik's luck of the draw that his very first day picking me up happened to be one of those days. I felt kind of bad for being so bitchy all the sudden.

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