No distance- Erik's POV

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Erik's POV-

I had just gotten done teaching an advanced class on defending and blocking. To say that I had gotten knocked on my ass a few too many times was an understatement. My students were getting so good! Some of them were even advancing to the state level in sparring.

I was so proud. It really made me feel like I was making a difference. Plus, the more they were with me in the gym working on their boxing, the less likely they were to get in trouble. And I knew how easy it was to get in trouble as a young person.

"Hey baby," I answered the phone with a grin.

Kat and I were doing so well. It had been over half a year since her parents were locked away. Sure, sometimes she still felt guilty. Sometimes, I had to pull her out of her own mind. Sometimes, I got frustrated and we fought over her tendency to pull away and not take care of herself. However, we always came to the same conclusion every single time... We loved each other and could work it out. We loved each other too much to throw anything that we had away.

"Hi," she said in a chipper voice.

"You sound happy."

"I am!" she replied excitedly. "I did it! I was able to work with the rehab center downtown, and I was able to negotiate twenty-five scholarship spots a year for people who can't afford the help that they need. This is gonna help so many people, Erik! It means that anyone, regardless of their financial position, can get help if they want it. They can get clean if they want to."

"That's amazing, Kat!" I praised. "Did you tell Rodney yet?"

"He doesn't get access to the phone until after dinner at six tonight," she answered. "He's going to be thrilled though. He knows how hard scholarships are to get for rehabs. He knows how much facilities usually cost, so usually it's not an option for those that live on the street like he did."

"This is so amazing, Kat! I'm so proud of you for sticking with what you believe in and helping others. You're going to change so many people's lives. You really are such an angel. Just like Rodney always used to say," I said with a laugh.

She had created a fund just for people like him. Ever since she and Jake had taken over the company and fixed it to run much smoother, they were much more profitable. Therefore, they were able to help many more people. Kat had already been talking about how many scholarships and charity programs that she wanted to create with the extra budget. She was already making such a difference in people's lives... I couldn't wait to see what else she would do for people in need.

"Well, I think we should celebrate," she told me. "Would you like to come over right now? I'm just about to leave the office, so we can have a nice little date night and make an early dinner together. We were supposed to stay at my apartment tonight anyways because of my big meeting in the morning, you remember? It feels like I haven't seen you in ages."

"I know," I agreed. "Three days seems like weeks. We've both been busy though, so it could have been worse. It's healthy to have a bit of distance sometimes."

"I know... But right now, I don't want any distance, if you know what I mean," she teased suggestively.

"Say no more," I said huskily. "Let me shower and I'll be over."

"Or..." she dragged out. "We can shower together."

"I'm leaving right now," I said with no arguments.

When your girlfriend says she wants to shower with you, there are no arguments to be had. Besides, it had been three days since I had last seen her, so I was feeling kind of needy for her anyways.


"Hey," she said as I got off the elevator on her floor to find her about to put the key in the door to let herself into hers and Jake's apartment.

"Mmm," I greeted as I kissed her thoroughly. "Damn you look sexy in business casual," I said huskily in her ear as I took in her office attire.

"And that is how I know that you've not seen me in a while," she teased as she unlocked the door and opened it quickly.

What was in there, I'd never forget. It was burned into my mind and wouldn't get out, no matter how many times I've tried to forget it. Your best friend with his dick down one of your other friend's throats in the middle of your girlfriend's living room was just something that would never get out of my mind. It was something that was stuck with me forever.

"Ahh!" Kat said with wide eyes before I covered them for her. "What the fuck?" She exclaimed and covered my eyes for me. "Ew! You talk shit about me and Erik doing stuff in my bedroom but here you are getting dicked down in the living room! No, no, no! Not okay!"

"And since when are you gay?" I asked Chris with my eyes still closed. Even with my eyes covered, I could still see it all in my mind.

"I'm bi," he answered me as I heard a zipper. "Didn't know it until the dinner that Kat had at our house, but I'm definitely bi... Jake has confirmed that for me."

"Several times," Jake said with an evil laugh as Kat took her hand down to let me see if the coast was clear for us. There were indeed no dicks out anymore, so I took my hand away from her eyes.

"You are disgusting!" I said to both of them.

"Hey, hey, I thought you were cool, my dude. You know, you're my best friend. You can't think that this part of me is disgusting! This is a part of me," his voice was hurt and distraught as he almost began yelling. "This is- You can't hate me for-"

"No! What? No, no! Chris... No. This isn't about your sexuality. I don't give a shit who you love as long as they make you happy," I clarified. "This is about me walking in on you in the middle of a sex act in the middle of Kat's living room. That shit is disgusting! Talk about unsanitary! You both talk shit about me and Kat, and we make sure to not even be loud or close to out in the open, yet both of you just go at it in the middle of the damn living area... Disgusting! I don't want to ever hear another damn word about us having sex ever again."

Chris looked at me with such a relieved face that it could have broken my heart if I still weren't so disgusted by what I had just witnessed him doing. It was common in my old neighborhood to be shunned for being anything but straight, so I understood why he was so nervous. However, he had to know that I would never judge him for just being him. He was still my best friend, no matter what. Thick or thin, he has been with me through it all. I would never abandon him like that.

"Now, if you'll excuse us, me and my girlfriend are going to go have nice, hot, dirty shower sex to get what I just witnessed out of my brain. If you don't want to hear me make Kat scream, then I suggest you vacate the premises. And I swear if either of you say a single word about it, I will make it to where neither of you will be sucking each other's dick for a long, long time. Got it? Good."

Just like that, both of our best friends scrambled out of the apartment in such haste that it could have been a record. I was just happy to have my girl all to myself. I was happy to be able to do with her whatever we wanted. It was a nice feeling for it to be just me and Kat. Just me and Kat... Exactly how I liked it.

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