Foul -Kat's POV

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Kat's POV-

"Foul! Foul! FOUL!" Carter called out in contempt as Erik tickled me while standing behind me with his hands on my waist, hindering me from taking the last shot. I tried to pull away, but he had me anchored in place and continued to tickle me.

Chris ran by, stealing the ball from my hands and dribbled down court. Erik suddenly let me go and ran down the court with his teammate. I huffed in indignance and ran after my now-boyfriend, no way were they going to win because of that. Chris passed the ball to Erik, but before he could shoot, I pulled him down for a kiss. My lips latched onto his, surprising him completely. He dropped the ball just a few seconds later before wrapping his arms around me tightly and indulging in the surprise kiss.

"Foul! What?! HELL NO! FOUL!" Chris complained.

Erik ignored his friend completely and tangled his hand in my hair while continuing to kiss me. We both had completely forgotten about the last point which deemed who won or not. We both just got lost in each other.

I finally pulled back a few moments later when I heard my teammates cheering loudly while chanting a victory song. I smiled a triumphant smirk at Erik. While he just looked at me with a soft look on his face.

"We win!" I exclaimed before sticking my tongue out at him playfully. I untangled myself from him and high-fived my two teammates in victory with a laugh.

"Only because you cheated!" Chris grumbled.

"I am not the one that started it!" I shrugged. "Don't start something that you can't finish."

"Look, I think we can all agree on something here..." Darius said. "Erik is the only male here that won today."

"For real! If I had a girl to kiss me like that then I'd say screw it to the game too," Carter agreed with a laugh.

"What can I say?" Erik started with a smirk. "I have my priorities straight," he finished and put his arm around my shoulders with a kiss to my cheek.

"Well... I still won," I announced and pulled the ball out of Chris' hand. I took another shot and made it in the hole. "Because I have better game than you!" I teased Erik and Chris playfully.

"Oh, for real?" Erik asked while trying not to laugh.

"Mmhm," I agreed with an over exaggerated hair flip.

Erik and Chris shared a look before they both took off after me. I instantly began running away from them while giggling at their antics. We were acting like little children and having fun. It had been so long since I had fun.

I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing, neither were the boys who were just focusing on chasing me, so when I ran into a big hard body, I was completely caught off guard. I let out a loud 'oomph' and all my breath was knocked from my lungs with how hard I hit the big man. His arms wrapped around me before I could sink to the concrete in pain from the harsh collision.

"Ron!" I heard Erik's panicked voice from behind me through the sound of my own thudding heartbeat and gasps of breath. Damn, that had hurt.

I was stuck trying to catch my breath once again while the man lifted my face to his to look at me. He studied me thoroughly as he held me up right, not letting me collapse like my body seemed to want. I couldn't breathe and I was sure I looked like a fish out of water as I gasped for air. The hard hit had knocked the wind right out of me.

The man unexpectedly held both my arms above my head to help open my lungs up to get more breaths in, making my tank top rise past my belly button. I was sure that if I could breathe, I'd be highly embarrassed at how exposed I was. However, I was mainly focused on trying to catch air again, so I wasn't paying attention to my clothing.

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