Happy -Kat's POV

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 Kat's POV-

"You know what they said isn't true, right? You look beautiful tonight... You always do," Erik said as he looked over at me briefly before focusing back on the road.

I scoffed and looked away to the dark window. "Oh yeah? Is that why they kicked me out of the party? Is that why they treat me the way that they do? Because I'm beautiful... No. They kicked me out because I didn't lose the weight that I was supposed to and showed up with a leg that is less than perfect looking. I'm always less than perfect looking."

The champagne hadn't completely kicked in yet, but I could feel the numb weighted feeling from it trying to creep in. I welcomed it with open arms. I needed the drunken feeling to completely take me over. I needed to mute the harsh feelings that were always lingering in my mind. I felt useless and unloved. I was a waste of space...

"Kat, are you happy?" Erik asked in a slow and careful manner while refusing to look over at me.

"Obviously," I spoke with sarcasm in my tone and a sardonic smile on my face.

"Are your parents happy?" He asked in the same careful voice as the first question. It was almost like he was afraid that one wrong word would make me jump out of the car.

I could just imagine my mother's enraged face if I were to do that and come home with all those scrapes and bruises. Who knows, maybe they'd be so severe that I'd die. What a relief to everyone that would be. I had to physically hold my hand back from reaching to the door handle due to my new line of thoughts.

"Kat?" He asked after I had not answered immediately.

I let out an exaggerated laugh and shook my head vigorously. "Maybe when I'm not around they're happy," I answered finally.

"But you're doing what your parents want, right? You show up when they say to show up, wear what they want you to wear, say what they want you to say..." he trailed off gently.

"Yes. But, I mean, obviously not correctly though," I slurred my words slightly. It let me know that the effects of the alcohol on my empty stomach were finally starting to take over.

I truly didn't understand what I was doing wrong for them. I had always tried my best to do the things that they had wanted from me. Just me being alive seemed to piss them off. They wanted a son or the perfect daughter. I was never going to be perfect; it just wasn't me. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get it right.

"Maybe you should just do what you want to do then," Erik told me with a shrug.

I turned to look at him with a confused look. I didn't understand exactly what he meant.

"I'm just saying... You're not happy with what you're doing. Your parents aren't happy with what you're doing, and frankly, I don't think they're ever going to be happy. So, I don't know... Maybe you should just say fuck it to whatever your parents want and do whatever it is that you want to do. I mean, right now none of you are happy. So, I just think that you might as well just make yourself happy if you can't make them happy," he clarified.

I pursed my lips and held a very serious look on my face. "I don't think it's that simple, but..." I trailed off.

I sighed and shrugged while contemplating his suggestion over and over again. I mean, it was logical... They were obviously going to hate me either way, so it made sense to give them a reason to do so.

I nodded. "Maybe I should," I whispered more to myself than him. It was something that I had never given myself permission to think of doing before.

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