Being you- Erik's POV

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Erik's POV-

As I stared T down, I couldn't help but to worry about Kat. She was in a new place with new people; most of who did not like her and wouldn't even give her a chance. I just had to put my faith in Chris that he'd protect her.

T knew exactly what he was doing. He sent her away all by herself to scare her off. He sent her out to show her exactly the type of people I hung around with. He sent her out into the shitty crowd to make her understand that I was one of them.

"Sorry about that stuff today at your mom's. You know how it is... just business. No hard feelings," T said with a smirk.

We both knew that he was playing a power move with that BS. He had wanted to show me that he controlled me and my family. He wanted to show me that I had to do whatever he wanted me to do.

"It was lucky that your girl was there. She must have hella cash to be able to just pay two hundred that easily. What did you say her name was again? Kat, right? Short for Katherine, I assume..." T goaded me.

"She had just cashed her paycheck from the last few weeks. She works for Lisa down at the diner. It was very lucky that she had that much on her," I told him easily, trying not to raise suspicions. I really didn't want him looking into who Kat was. Only bad would come from that.

"Ah someone had told me that Lisa hired a real pretty thing as a cashier. They certainly weren't lying, that's for sure," T said as he took a hit from a blunt. "You think your girl is into more than one of us?"

I sneered at him as he spoke. He laughed at my reaction as if it was a comedy show. He was trying to get a rise out of me, and it was working.

"I'll take that as a no," he commented.

"I don't share," I answered in a deadly tone. "Kat is my girl, just mine."

"You think so, huh?" He said humorously. "I guess we'll see once the night is over."

"T..." I warned. "I'm not playing with you. Don't fuck with my girl. I'm loyal to you and yours, but if you do something to Kat... I'm not liable for how I react. Kat is off-limits."

"Big, bad words for a man that is stuck in between a rock and a hard place, my guy. You owe me a lot of money. I think I can take whatever I damn-well please for payback, Erik." I opened my mouth to reply, but he cut me off quickly. "How much do you think a pretty thing like his little snow bunny is worth, Ron?" T asked with a smirk. "You think she might be enough to pay off his debt?"

"T..." I warned again.

"Think about it, Jones... You could be completely debt free and out of here," he told me matter-of-factly.

"Kat is mine. She is not some pawn to pay off my debts. She is not one of the whores that you are used to. And she for damn sure ain't a piece of property that is up for sell," I told him, trying to stay calm. "Back off, T."

"Oh... So, you're actually serious about her?" he asked quietly. "Interesting..."

"Yes, she is my girl, and I actually do love her."

"I'll leave her alone... for now," he commented. "Be aware, Erik... Everyone has a price."

I let out an angry breath. I was so pissed that he had even considered her like that. He had considered that I would do her like that.

"I won't fuck with her right now... But that doesn't mean that everyone else won't," he said maliciously. "How do you think she's doing, out in this crowd all by herself?" He gestured around at the crowded house party, full of sketchy people.

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