Sick- Erik's POV

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Erik's POV-

Erik's POV-

Erik- How are you feeling?

I had sent the text the night before, and she had not responded. I had a sinking feeling in my chest. She had barely texted me throughout the whole day on Tuesday, and it was only one-word replies when she had. Even when I had brought her chicken noodle soup Tuesday afternoon, she grimaced and basically pushed me out of her room as soon as I got there.

She was distancing herself from me. I could tell. Had she finally realized how bad I was for her?

Granted, with how awful and pale she had looked, I figured that she was actually sick. Both times that I had seen her, she was pale, sweaty, blotchy, and had obviously been crying. I felt awful for her. It must have been something really bad by how sick she looked.

"Erik are you okay?" Carter asked as we all ate lunch.

"Yeah... I guess," I sighed. "It's Kat... I think she's going to break up with me."

"What?! Nah! That girl is crazy for you," Chris said with a wave of dismissal.

"Yeah, she's just sick right now," Darius agreed. "Just go check on her tonight and see what's up. Let her know you care about her."

I sighed but nodded. I wanted her. I wanted to be with her so badly, and it would severely hurt if she up and left me now. It'd be understandable, but it would still hurt.


"Hey love," I said softly as I knocked gently on the slightly ajar door.

She didn't answer, so I just stuck my head through the opening to see if she was asleep or not. When I didn't see her in the room, I walked through the door hesitantly. As soon as I made it all the way into the room, I heard her in the bathroom retching.

I sat the sprite down that I had brought over for her on her nightstand as I sat on her bed to wait for her. As soon as I sat the sprite down, her phone went off. I couldn't help but to look at the text that went across her phone. There were several sitting there in row. What I saw made me freeze in place and stomach churn in anger.

Mom: FOUR POUNDS?! That's not good enough.

Mom: You're so undisciplined that it makes me and your father SICK.

Mom: Matthew and any other guy ever is going to reject you.

Mom: Men don't want fat rolls to look at. They don't want to see you jiggling as they take their pleasure from you. They don't want unattractive PIGS.

I felt my mind angrily controlling my actions. I unlocked the phone to tell her how fucked up she was, but my eyes went up the texts that were on the screen.

I saw a picture of a scale. I figured that it was Kat's weight because underneath that was her mother berating her. I unconsciously scrolled down and found the same thing from Sunday night.

Her mother was fueling a full-on eating disorder!

Once my eyes left the phone that was in my hand, they landed on the container of soup that I had brought for her the day before. It was still completely full and left on the desk that I had set it on. She wasn't eating at all. I knew that had to be why she looked so sick.

When the bathroom door opened, my eyes connected to hers. I sat there with her phone in my hands and a look of horror on her face. She was bawling her eyes out while clad in a giant sweatshirt but still shaking.

"E-Erik," she squeaked out in a scared voice.

"Kat..." I sighed.

She looked awful. She had been crying for days. Her hair was lifeless, oily, and dull, and her skin was so pale but also so blotchy at the same time. My poor girl.

"K-Kat..." I almost sobbed as I realized what she was doing to herself.

She finally realized that I had her phone and she looked at me in horror. "What are you doing?!" She screeched. I couldn't find it in me to speak. She stared at me with disbelief and terror. "Now you can't even trust me enough to not go through my phone?!"

"No! Kat, it wasn't like that! It went off and I saw... a-and then I saw her other texts. I... I didn't mean to, but... I-" I tried to explain.

She sobbed loudly and fell to the ground. I quickly forgot about her phone and went to her. I held onto her as she cried and sobbed. My heart broke for her.

"You need to leave," she sobbed. "I'm not good enough for you. Y-you obviously see some delusion when you look at me! It can't be healthy and-"

"What?! Kat! No! I see you. I see you, love. I see exactly who you are. You are my sweet angel who gives homeless people too many burgers most nights of the week, who helped my sister when you had zero obligations to, and who believed in me and thought me as a good guy even when no one else did. I see you. Your weight has nothing to do with your worth and beauty, Kat. You are the most beautiful soul that I've ever known," I told her as I rocked her and soothed her.

"You shouldn't want me. I'm not pretty. I'm not skinny. I'm too big. I'm too thick. I... I-"

"You are the sweetest most loving girl that I have ever met," I told her. "You are absolutely beautiful. What your mother has told you is a complete lie, Kat. You have been lied to all your life. You have been conditioned into thinking your unworthy and act like you don't deserve to be happy or even deserve food... Kat, you deserve it all! Please believe me, baby. I see you. I don't see a delusion. I see the most beautiful girl in the whole world when I look at you... That's you."

She sobbed hard as I stroked her hair and caressed her body, "H-how? How can you believe any of that? You are so amazing and good, and you could have anyone that you want."

"I have who I want, Kat. I can believe all that about you, I assume, in the same way that you believe me to be good and amazing. Because you see me just as I see you. I see exactly who you are, Kat," I explained slowly. "I'm here for you, so let me be here for you. I want to be here for you."

She sobbed. "B-but it's my mom! What am I supposed to do about that?"

"Kat... Are you happy?" I asked slowly.

"Well, no..." she sighed.

"Is your mom happy?" I asked in the same voice.

"You saw her texts," she replied with an eye roll.

"Then what are you doing, Kat? You remember? You're supposed to make yourself happy... Because either way, they will obviously not be happy with you. So..."

"So, I should at least make myself happy then," she whispered. "Well, I will not be happy being fat either!"

"You're not fat! Being healthy is not fat! You are lovely and beautiful! And your damn weight has nothing to do with it!" I took a breath to calm myself. "Look, Kat, I think that we need to get you some help. There is nothing wrong with help. There is something wrong with staying in the same suppressive mindset that your parents have forced upon you for your whole life though. Let me help you. Let me help find you some counseling. You don't have to deal with this all on your own, baby. I'm here. I'm here to be with you throughout whatever you go through. I am here to support you. Let me be here."

Kat sobbed as she finally wrapped her arms around me. She whispered softly into my neck a broken, "Okay."

And just like that, I knew that I was never going to let her go. She needed me, and I was going to give her whatever she needed. I was going to be there for her... throughout anything. Because when I was with her... I felt more like myself than ever before. She brought out the best in me. The person that I always wanted to be.


Hey y'all! Merry Christmas! I am on a roll! Lol! I love y'all! Thanks for reading! Tell me what you think! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!


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