What if? -Erik's POV

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Erik's POV-

It took everything in me to tear myself away from her. It took every ounce of strength in me to stop everything and not take her right then and there. The delicious sounds that I had drawn from her mouth, the way her body nestled right into mine, the way her desire hooded eyes looked so dangerously sexy as she looked up at me so innocent seeming. Every single part of her was so beautiful.

It was torturous having to tear my body away from her... But I had to. I couldn't take advantage of Kat like that; not that I'd ever take advantage of any girl. It would have killed me if Kat had woken up in the morning next to me and even partially regretted being with me though. She was the first girl that I had ever in my whole life seemed to feel a connection with. She was the first girl I had ever actually cared about.

Plus, the legal repercussions of being accused of taking advantage of a girl like her in an inebriated state would have been detrimental to me. It more than likely would have resulted in some harsh punishment immediately, especially since I would have been able to afford a lawyer or anything. No, it was much better the way I left it...

I had done what I had to do and let her go. No matter how much I wanted her, I wanted her in a different way even more. Kat wasn't just a girl to screw. I could have gone to so many other- not messed up like Kat- girls if I just wanted that. Kat was different, something special to me. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was about her that ensnared me so much, but whatever it was... Had me completely hooked.

I didn't want to mess up with her. I didn't want to move too fast nor scare her away. She was like an abused puppy in some aspects of her actions. I mean, with the way her parents treated her I could understand why she acted that way. She was unsure of herself, untrusting, had lots of body issues, and in need of love.

I wanted to help her through all that. I could see the kind, gentle, and amazing girl that no one else cared enough to see. She had all this love that she wanted to give away and I wanted to be the one to love her back.

Just the thought of that was so scary to me. But still... I couldn't seem to tear myself away from the girl. Even though I wasn't any good for her, I couldn't turn away from her. Hell, I barely even knew her, and I was willing to give her a shot at my heart.

That was why I stopped us from going down a road that we both weren't ready for. That was why I showed myself out of her too-perfect looking home, even though I was terrified that she'd wake up in the morning not remembering a thing... Because I could see the potential of what we could be together. Because I already cared about her too fucking much. Because I had never met someone so perfectly imperfect like Kat.

I truly meant what I had said when I left her. If she still wanted me when she woke up sober... Then I was all hers. She already had me wrapped completely around her finger. I just hoped that she wasn't lying when she said that she wasn't that drunk. I hoped that she still wanted me.

I knew that it was stupid. A relationship with an heiress like her and a bad guy like me wouldn't work out. We'd have to fight people every step of the way, but it didn't matter. If she wanted me then I'd do everything in my power to be whatever she needed.


Eleven AM on a Sunday morning was usually a bit too early for me. I normally didn't get home until after three or four in the morning on Saturday nights. Usually, it was either due to my job or due to some party that I was having to attend because of my idiot friends or T. That Sunday morning though, I was up bright and early at eight AM because my mind was too damn anxious for its own good.

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