Good care- Erik's POV

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Erik's POV-

When someone hurts someone that you truly love, it's really hard to put into words the rage that you feel. It's hard to explain all that pent up aggression. There are no words for the anger, the hurt, or the pure and unadulterated hate that you feel as you look at your loved one who is in pain.

As the doctor went over the X rays with Kat, all I kept seeing were the two cracks in her ribs that were displayed on the computer screen. Two cracks. That man put two cracks in her perfect body. He marred her flesh. He hurt her. He scarred her.

"You're going to need rest. A lot of rest. The cracks are fairly small, they will heal on their own. However, just like with any rib injury, it's going to hurt. It's going to hurt pretty badly actually, so you need rest. You need to take it easy. You need to go home and put your feet up, let others take care of you for a while. Also, you need to alternate ice and heat on the ribs. You definitely need to ice the face too," he told her gently.

"Thank you, Doctor Lewis. I appreciate you getting me in on such short notice," Kat said sweetly as I helped her sit up.

"Anything for you and your family, Katherine," he said with a nod. "Are you sure that I don't need to call your parents for you? I can let them know what I said and my instructions," he said as he eyed me wearily.

"My parents already know that I'm here, sir. They're aware of the injuries. That's why they had Rosa call and make the appointment for me. I'll be calling them when we leave here," she assured him quickly.

"And how did you say that you got these injuries again?" He asked once again while eyeing me, once again, in an accusatory fashion.

"I told you, there was a home intrusion. Luckily, my boyfriend came back before the person could do too much damage," she answered easily.

"Are you sure that's all there was to it?" He asked. "We can talk alone if that would make you more comfortable." He then turned to me, "If you could just wait in-"

"And just what exactly are you implying, sir?" She asked as she stood up abruptly, hissing at the pain in her back slightly as she did.


"Because I'm sure that you're not accusing my savior of anything, right?" She recovered quickly. "I would hate to have to tell my father that you're a racist man who can't treat his patients unbiasedly and with no judgments. He'd be sorely disappointed."

"No, no!" He exclaimed instantly. "That's not what I meant at all!" He defended. "I just... wanted to make sure that you are okay. That's part of my job, Katherine."

"Well... I am okay. Right?" She asked.

"Yes, yes. As long as you take some time to rest and recharge, you're going to be fine. You might have a bit of pain and discomfort, but you're going to be fine," he answered. "I am going to call in some prescriptions for you, for the pain and swelling. You can go pick those up at your pharmacy. Other than that, you are good to go. I am glad that nothing more serious was injured."

"Yes, all thanks to Erik," she told the man firmly as she shook his hand.

"Right..." he said with a nod before reluctantly shaking my hand and exiting the room.

"Have I mentioned how much I hate people?" She asked as she gathered her things together. "Because I absolutely hate people and their stupid assumptions."

I shrugged. "It's all just a part of life, Kat. You have to get used to it."

"No, I don't! It shouldn't be normalized. People and their wrong assumptions, especially when it's solely based on race and/or class, should not be normalized. They should be condemned for being racist, or, at the very least, uneducated. It's wrong!" She said getting herself worked up. "He wanted to blame you. He wanted to blame you for something that you literally saved me from. It's not right, and I am allowed to be mad about it. Why aren't you mad about it?"

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