Princess charming- Erik's POV

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Erik's POV-

"So... On a scale of one to ten, how badly did you freak out on her?" Chris' voice broke through my hazy and sullen brain.

I said nothing to him as we stalked off to my car.

"Based on your lack of answer, the fact that she has already left without waiting on you, and the awkward lunch that we all had to sit through... I'd say it was an eleven," he answered himself.

I still said nothing.

"Look, bro, I get where you're coming from. You don't like to feel like you need to be protected, and you also don't like that you can't protect her without getting in trouble. I get all of that... However, Kat did a hella good job of protecting you both from the idiots. Not only that, but she didn't get in trouble for doing it. I mean, she used her obvious rich white girl privilege to benefit the both of you," Chris told me as he got into the car.

"It's really not that simple," I grumbled as we waited on Nia.

"You're the one making it not that simple," Chris answered. "I get it... Especially after everything that Theo did to get T away from you, you don't like people to protect you... But it's okay to get protected sometimes dude. Kat was just protecting you from two dudes who are jerks. It doesn't need to go any further than that."

"She didn't protect herself from the ridicule! She even gave them ammo by saying something about having sex with me. She acted just like Theo did. She was using herself as a means of protection for me and did nothing to protect herself at all. I can't stand that self-sacrificing shit, and you know it!" I exclaimed to my best friend.

"You were going to do the same thing, Erik!" Chris told me firmly. "You have a good reason to not like that self-sacrificing stuff, but does she know that? Did you explain your issue with it to her? Plus, on top of that, you can't turn around and do the same thing. Your ass would have beat the shit out of them dudes today. Kat was simply just stopping you from doing that and getting in trouble... And we both know that your ass would have gone to jail if you would have beaten them up," Chris shrugged.

"And as far as her saying something about having sex with you..." Chris continued after I didn't say anything. "Bruh, everyone already says shit about you two screwing anyways. I mean, with your badass reputation... They assume it to be true. She was saying to them, in not so many words, that you got what they both have wanted... her. Erik, you got her. Don't be a psycho and throw it away over something as trivial as this BS."

"I'm not," I instantly denied throwing my relationship away. "I'm not letting Kat go," I said darkly.

"Dammit boy..." Chris chuckled. "You've got it bad! This adorable!" I just glared at him. "I'm just saying... Fix it. You can't be getting mad at her over shit that you do too. Explain to her your problem and make her understand why that set you off today. She'll understand," he told me firmly.

"But Erik... A relationship involves two people. You can't always be the one to do the protecting constantly," he explained to me. "She has every right to sit there and defend you. You need to accept that and let it happen. You're mad at her for not defending herself too, but you don't think you're good enough for her to defend in the first place. That shit is whack and you know it!" Chris said and slapped the back of my head. "You have a pretty little rich girl that will go to the ends of the earth to protect you. Enjoy that shit! Plus, she's doing it not even out of the white guilt that some people defend us folks out of, she's doing it because she's head over hills for you. Bitch, you better be thankful!"

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