Now- Erik's POV

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*This chapter contains sexual content*

Erik's POV-

I sat there and watched her all day long. I watched her sunken and sallow cheeks become vibrant with color and life. I watched her too-slim body perk up with excitement and joy; even her movements didn't look like they were too much work like they had been looking. Her smile was absolutely breathtaking and lit up her whole spirit, touching everything around her. She looked alive.

She had spent far too long looking dead. She had looked so sad and low for so long that the smiles and vibrancy that she was gracing me with made me feel almost giddy with joy. I loved seeing her like that. I would have done absolutely anything to keep her like that.

"That was so much fun, Erik. Thank you for taking me out like that," she said while still smiling as she brushed my hand in genuine thanks.

I grinned at her and grabbed her hand before she could pull it away. "I'd take you out like this every day if I could. I never want to see this beautiful smile leave your face," I said and then kissed the back of her hand that was in mine as I drove with one hand on the steering wheel into her neighborhood.

"As long as I have you, I know that this happiness can always be re-achieved, even if I lose it," she said sappily.

I appreciated the sappiness though. It made me feel good that she genuinely enjoyed my company and found happiness with me... Because I damn sure found so much happiness with her. I appreciated that she wasn't afraid to tell me her feelings too. It showed that she genuinely trusted me.

She was so different from me yet so similar too, and I loved that dynamic similarity between us. It was what I had been chasing for what seemed like my whole life. I knew that we were so incredibly young, and chances were that something would probably come to tear us apart. However, none of that mattered when I was with her. When I was with Kat it was just me and her. It was just me and this beautiful perfectly imperfect girl that made me feel things that I had never experienced before. She lit a fire in me that I wasn't sure would ever be put out ever again. She ignited me and made me want to be better. Not for her... but for me.

The way she genuinely thought of me as something fantastic and good made me remember who I truly was... I wasn't 'the big bad Erik Jones' to her. To her, I was just Erik. I wasn't bad. And Kat was just Kat to me. She never had to put on this façade and be 'the perfect Katherine Reynolds' with me... She was just lovely and sweet Kat.

"How about you come in and I'll show you how to make a martini?" Kat suggested with a smirk and giggle.

"Most dates would end right now," I told her, being sure to give her an out. "Most normal dates would end with a goodnight kiss and the promise of more later."

Kat looked at me with a cute little hint of a frown. "We're not normal, love," she said with a shrug. "However, by all means, if that's what you want... Walk me to the door, get your kiss, then leave." She opened her door and got out. "I'm offering you more now. I don't want to wait until later, Erik. We never know how many 'laters' we'll get. However, if you don't want that then let me know now. It's fine if that's the case, but I'd like to know before I jump too far into this with you."

With those words, I rushed out of my car and walked around to her side of the car where she had just shut the door. I hadn't meant to be rough, but her words drove me a little bit wild. Hell, she drove me a little wild. I grabbed her face forcefully and pushed her up against my car, trapping her in between my body and the car. I pressed my lips on hers and devoured her in a heated and sensual kiss.

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