Ready- Kat's POV

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Kat's POV-

Terror flowed through me. I felt fear and disgust fill me up as he stared at me with a guarded expression. My phone was in his hand, and he looked at me in shock and despair. By the look, I knew that he'd seen the texts. I knew that he knew what was happening. He had probably seen my weight.

My mind was screaming at me. Deflect! Distract! Get him out!

So, I yelled at him. I told he was too good. I told him about his delusion. I told him to leave me. He needed to leave me!

He didn't listen. Of course, he wouldn't listen to me! I was acting like a psychopath! Instead, he reassured me. He told me how beautiful I was. He was being so loving and kind.

I didn't buy it. I couldn't buy it. It wasn't true.

"I want you!" He told me. He truly meant it; I saw it in his eyes. He meant it. He wanted me, no matter how screwed up I was.

I felt my guards coming down. I felt myself giving into him. I couldn't let myself believe in the kind things that he had said about me. However, I could see the sincerity in his eyes, so I could believe in him. I could believe in his feelings for me. With those feelings, I could believe in his vision of me. He genuinely thought that I was beautiful. I needed to listen to him. I needed to believe in him because he believed in me.

However, the negativity was still running amuck in my head. I still heard my mother's hateful words. I still saw the numbers on the scale in my head. I still heard my father saying that he didn't want me. It was all still there... But it was quieted by Erik's words. It was all quieted by him reminding me who I was to him and who I was supposed to be making happy... me.

I was supposed to be making me happy. None of this made me happy. I wasn't happy when I was empty. I wasn't happy when I listened to that voice in my mind. However, that voice that told me how skinny I was supposed to be and how I'd never be good enough was hard to ignore. It was hard to not listen to that stuff when it was so ingrained.

"How am I supposed to be happy if my mother is constantly berating me about my weight?" I finally asked. "Even if I were to develop some thick skin... I don't know if I can withstand her torment," I admitted, letting him in finally.

He wanted to be there for me, so I needed to let him be there. I was scared. I was hurt. I was screwed up in the head... And still Erik wanted me. I wanted him too. I had to let him help.

"Can I see your scale?" Erik asked me gently.

I furrowed my eyebrows but brought him the scale that was in my bathroom. He looked it over for a few moments and then fiddled with it for a long while. I watched him, fascinated as he worked on the scale silently.

"Okay, the scale is turned back four pounds," he announced with a smirk. "We'll do it a few pounds each week to placate your mother."

I nodded in response but didn't say anything. I couldn't help but to think that I should have really been losing the weight that my mom said I needed to. My mother was right... I had too big of an ass, too thick of thighs, and my stomach wasn't near as toned as I wanted. I was a mess.

"Kat..." Erik said softly. "You are so gorgeous," he reminded.

"You keep saying that, but I don't feel it. I can just hear my mom's insults repeating," I sobbed.

Erik sighed as he gently lifted me from the floor and sat me on my bed with little effort. He cradled me to him as I snuggled into his comfort. "What lies does she tell you?" he finally asked.

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