Discussion- Kat's POV

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Kat's POV-

For two days I was taken care of. I was allowed to lay in Erik's bed all I wanted; I was even chastised for trying to get out of it. Erik practically waited on me hand and foot any chance he got. Then, when he inevitably got called to go work with T like always, Trina and Nia took over for him. They didn't seem to mind taking care of me. In fact, they supported me any way they could. They were genuinely worried over me.

I can't explain how good that made me feel. Not that I was worrying people, but that I had people to actually worry over me. I never had much of that in my life.

It had always only ever been Rosa taking care of me. As much as I loved Rosa, she had her own family. Yes, she did treat me like her own most of the time... But ultimately, I was part of her job. I knew that she loved me, but she also needed her job. I would never give her a chance to have to choose between keeping her job and caring about me. Because if push ever came to shove, I genuinely believed that my parents would fire someone over caring about me. So, I always tried to keep her at arm's length. Yes, she loved me, but I loved her too. Therefore, I tried to make sure that Rosa never had a reason to be fired over me.

With Erik and his family, I didn't have to worry about them getting fired by my parents. I didn't have to worry about them for caring about me. They could just care, and that was such a good feeling. I could get addicted to it. I could get used to being loved. And that was a little bit scary, in all honesty.

That was why I was so disappointed when I had to go home. I wanted to stay with Erik and his family forever. They had shown me what a real family was like. I wanted to let them love me forever. I didn't want to go back to that house where no one really cared. The house where there were people who were contended to practically sell me off to the highest bidder.

Unfortunately, I had to go back. I knew that if I didn't go back, my father would wreak havoc on everyone and everything. In fact, I was pretty sure that he was already going to do that when he got home anyways due to my behavior in Italy and my decrees of self-fulfillment. I didn't want to make worse by not going back. I didn't want to make it worse on Erik or his family. I could take whatever he wanted to do to me, but I wanted him to leave Erik and his family out of it.

"I don't wanna go in," I said in a pained voice as Erik and I sat in his car together right outside of my house.

"You're not going in alone," Erik told me and brought my hand up to his lips to kiss the back of it.

I started to argue. I really didn't want him anywhere near my parents. I didn't want him to get sucked into their crazy controlling ways. I didn't want him in harm's way.

Truthfully, I was scared. I didn't want to admit it aloud, but I was pretty terrified. I hadn't ever subjected anyone else to my parents before. I had been alone for most of my life. I hadn't really ever connected to anyone enough to bring them into mine or my parents' lives.

Now, I had Erik. I had someone that loved me. I had someone that wanted to be in the chaos with me. I had someone to lose. I was terrified of losing him. I was scared that my parents were going to figure out some way to take him away from me. Then... I'd be all alone again, right back to where all of this started.

"I'm right here with you, baby," he reassured me softly. "I'm not gonna let you face them alone. We're in this together. You don't have to face anything alone ever again; I'm with you."

"I know," I said with a sigh as I was trying to blink back tears. "I'm scared. I know that I shouldn't be. I mean, I'm just trying to be myself. I'm just trying to make myself happy. But Erik, I'm terrified. What if something happens? What if they make you go away from me? What if-"

When Different Worlds Collide ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora