Deserve- Erik's POV

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Erik's POV-

"No, no, no! What are you doing?" Kat demanded as the cop led me through the door, down the porch, and down the walkway of my home where our neighbors had gathered around to watch what was happening due to the immense amount of cop cars outside of our home.

I sighed and kept my head down. It was embarrassing being paraded out of the house like I had been the one that barged into my own home with the intent to kill. I knew that it was leaving an awful impression on all our new neighbors. We were the new black family that had just moved in, and now we I was being arrested for no reason and had cops filling up the street. Even more were still pulling up.

"Hey! Didn't you listen to me before?" Kat yelled as we got closer to the police cars. She grabbed the cop's arm and pulled at him making him stop. "He didn't do any-"

"Kat," I said slowly as the cop that had been leading me looked at her with anger written on his face.

I knew that he was about to do something drastic to her. They were all way too eager to ruin people's lives. Luckily, she was a cute little white girl who was obviously distraught and upset, so he'd give her a pass... I hoped.

"Let him go, baby. If you were my color, you'd probably already be dead for grabbing him like that. Kat, it's okay. They're going to book me on whatever BS charges, but they won't have anything to back it up with. Just go to a bail bonds office, there's several near the county jail, and be prepared to bail me out. Okay? It's going to be fine," I explained to her slowly. Luckily, the cop had stopped walking with me, so I could explain what was going to happen so she wouldn't make it even worse for us.

"Okay?" She questioned as she walked forward, making the officer stiffen up. "Fine?" She questioned even louder. "They're taking you to jail. They're-"

"Kat!" I heard called from the side as Jake ran up from the street. "Oh! You're okay. Both of you! Thank God!" He exclaimed as he hugged Kat while eyeing me in handcuffs with a confused look.

"Look mam," the cop said in an annoyed tone. "You and your boyfriend may do as this one said. We'll book him and then-"

"He, the one that you have in handcuffs, is my boyfriend!" Kat cut him off. "Not only that, but he is also the damn victim of this crime. If you would just let us explain the situation, maybe you'd know that. Instead, you show up, beat the shit out of someone who surrendered when asked to do so, assume that the victim is a criminal, then proceed to not read him his Miranda rights while being arrested, and paraded him around in handcuffs in front of his new neighbors just to shame him. You've asked us hardly any questions. The only thing that you seem to be worried about is taking him to jail and ruining his life! Literally all this man was doing was living his life and protecting me, even when he was the target of a murder for hire plot orchestrated by my father, Henry Reynolds, and his friends. You'd know that if you looked for more than color during this situation! And you wonder why people no longer call the cops and hate you all..."

"Wait... Woah, woah, woah. This is nothing to do with color. We were simply trying to neutralize the situation, and that is why we put him in handcuffs. He's not under arrest and that is why we didn't read his Miranda rights," the cop tried.

"Then why wasn't I put in handcuffs as well? I mean-"

"Hi, I'm Jacob Harrison," Jake said calmly to the cop, interrupting whatever mean thing Kat was about to say. We both knew that she was about to insult the man into next Tuesday. "This is Katherine Reynolds. We're both the new CEOs of my family's business, Harrison co. Look, I think we can all agree that this has been a scary and emotionally charged time. Katherine was correct when she said that Erik was the one that was the target of the other man in a murder for hire plot. He is no threat, and we will all willingly cooperate. I think that it'd all be much easier and better if you uncuff Erik though. I mean, unless you are going to arrest the victim in this instance and put him through even more trauma. That will only leave vulnerable to even more lawsuits though... Wouldn't you agree, sir?"

A couple more police officers had gathered around us to listen to our conversation. The man that had cuffed me looked around to all of them and they all seemed to share a silent 'oh shit' look. Throwing around names like Harrison and Reynolds seemed to be all they needed to agree to let me go.

As soon as the cuffs were off my wrists, Kat threw herself at me. I cuddled her closely to me and kissed the crown of her head a few times, trying to calm her. She was distraught. It seemed that the severity of the situation was catching up to her.

I was so confused. I had no idea what had just happened except that apparently my old boss was paid to kill me by Kat's father, and then Kat had somehow gotten T to agree to turn on her father and the others who knew about the situation. It had all happened so quick and chaotically that I wasn't sure how to feel about it though. The only thing I could think of was that I was so grateful that Kat was okay. I was so grateful that she had not been hurt or anything.

"When was the last time you ate?" It unconsciously slipped out of my mouth as I hugged her thin frame to me even tighter.

She half scoffed and half laughed at my words. "Not the right time, Erik," she chastised before raising up on her tippy toes and kissing my lips. "But thank you for worrying."

"If you two would please follow us," one of the other police officers said to the two of us. "We'd like to get your full statements and understand exactly what is going on."

"Absolutely," Kat said calmly as she held my hand, and we followed the cop.

I hated cops, but I knew that this was the way to get her father out of her life. There was no denying a voice-recording of him bribing someone to kill me if T really had that, and I didn't doubt that he did, indeed, have it. T was not a dumb man. He was trained by Vincent Palomino, and that man meant business. I knew that this was our chance to take down Henry Reynolds and the rest of them for good... I wouldn't let anything stand in my way to get Kat the justice that she deserved. To get me the justice that I so deserved.

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