Kitty Kat- Kat's POV

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Kat's POV-

My mind was still reeling from the pie that had tasted divine. It tasted like heaven, but my mind was reminding me how awful it was for me. It was a 'bad' food. It would make me fat. I wasn't allowed to have that type of food...

I was angry at myself because even four hours later, I was still calculating how much of it I could throw back up. I was calculating exactly how much exercise I would have to do to work it off. I was reminding myself of all the meals that I was supposed to skip. Two bites of a pie, and I was in a spiral. Two bites, and I was reduced to feeling like an obsessive crazy person.

"Take a breath," Erik told me as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

I had to fight myself to not pull away from him due to worry over how big I felt. I didn't want him to think I was disgusting too. I knew he didn't think that, but it also didn't stop the awful thoughts from plaguing my head.

"There is no such thing as a 'bad' food, Kat. You didn't eat 'bad' today. You just ate, love. You just ate. You enjoyed yourself and my family. You fueled your body so you can live. You're living, Kat. You're just living. Don't feel bad for living," he told me kindly.

"Thank you for this, Erik," I said as I tried to let my mind believe what he said. "I know it's tedious and repetitive. It has to be exhausting having to deal with me all the time."

"Kat... Your recovery is not an inconvenience to me. I want you to be happy and healthy more than anything. I want you to enjoy life. I'm not merely 'dealing' with you; I'm loving you. I love you, and I am offering you anything that I could ever give you or do for you to help you in any little way at all. I want to remind you that you are so much more than your weight, or what you eat, or what you look like. You're my Kat, and that's all I want you to be," he told me easily with open and honest eyes.

I smiled and turned around in his arms to hug him tightly. I then pressed my lips firmly against his to show him how much I truly loved and appreciated him. "You're so amazing. I am so happy and grateful that I somehow ended up with you," I told him firmly.

"I hope you still think that later after we have to show up at this damn party," he grumbled.

"Don't worry about it, Erik. We'll be fine."

"You've never been to one of these parties, Kat. There's drinking, drugs, gang members, and girls literally selling themselves to anyone that will pay," he tried to explain.

"Babe..." I said slowly. "You know that the parties that my parents have dragged me around to had pretty much all that stuff too. You couldn't even go to the bathroom at that Milan summer party last year without being offered coke, a lot of men bring along their whores with their wives, and you'd be surprised by how many people in the rich community regularly commune with the cartel and other gangs. Don't you know that a lot of rich people stay rich by investing in drug and crime families. Hell, for all I know, my father does it too. Rich people like my father are never rich enough, they prey on people to get richer and richer. It's absolutely sick."

"Even so... You need to stay close to me tonight, Kat. I don't want something happening to you. I'd blame myself forever if I got you hurt."

"You'd never hurt me, Erik. Whatever other people do is not your responsibility. However, I will stay close to you because you've asked me to. I'm not dumb; I do understand that this is dangerous," I replied to him.

"I know..." he sighed. "I just hate that I put you in this situation. You should never be subjected to the type of people that T and all his thugs are. I... I'm just nervous."

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