Safe with me- Erik's POV

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Erik's POV-

"Chris, it's been two and a half hours. I'm leaving. You can stay if you want, but I am leaving. I shouldn't have even let you two drag me here; I should be at home going over those records."

"Whatever bro," Chris said exasperatedly. "You had fun, don't deny it. But yeah... I'm ready if you're ready, Des?"

"You can't be serious, Chris," I groaned when I looked over at the girl that he was apparently going to bring home. "Both of our mothers would beat you into next week if they knew you were bringing someone home."

"It's a good thing that they're not home then," Chris said with a grin.

"What's wrong, Erik? You jealous?" Des asked with a smirk.

"Of what? Of him? Ew no. Do whatever you want," I replied. "Let's just get home so I can get back to my stuff."

"You worry too much, Erik," Chris complained as I waved at Nia, who was nearby, to tell her that we were leaving.

"You do worry too much," Nia agreed as she came to walk up beside us. "But what about?"

"Kat," Chris answered for me.

"Ah... Yeah, that's true. You do worry a lot about her," Nia said with a shrug.

"He acts like divorce ain't a thing or some shit. Even if she does end up marrying him, she can get out of it. It won't be completely permanent."

"You don't understand the type of people she is around, Chris. Her dad... Matthew... They- He... I just- Look, I hope to God you don't ever have to witness it, but it's bad. I need her away from those people. I need her back with me."

"It can't be that bad," Des commented when we got into my car. "I mean, look at her. Compared to where we grew up, it's gotta be a walk in the park."

"You don't get to do that," I snarled at the girl. "You don't want people disregarding you and your hurts because of who you are and where you grew up, so don't be doing that to her. None of you have any idea what goes on in that world..."


The sounds that came out of Chris' room from down the hall were ungodly. They were loud, had no respect for anyone else that was in the house, and did not stop for a long while. It was very late at night by the time the noise ended for longer than a few minutes.

I was annoyed to say the least. I could barely concentrate on what I was doing. I was frustrated because I had not found anything big to get her father for yet. Then on top of all that, the girl that Chris was fucking was acting like a psycho and making herself way too at home in our house. Even Nia had come to me to complain around one in the morning that the girl was walking around the house almost completely naked, as if she owned the place.

It was sickening, but Chris wouldn't say anything because he was finally getting laid by her. He had his eye on Desirae since she had offered a threesome to me. I knew that I was going to have to be the one to say something before she got too comfortable. I was giving Chris just one more time before I ruined his fun, and it seemed that it was coming to an end as soon as Nia screamed my name frantically.

I followed Nia's voice calmly, getting in the right mindset to intimidate and scare the girl that had been annoying the two of us all night long. I was beyond ready for Des to leave. I needed to get work done, and I really didn't like hearing her over-exaggerated sex noises. Plus, I didn't like the girl. The way that she had treated and looked at Kat pissed me off. I was hoping that now since Chris had finally slept with her, it would mean that he got her out of his system, and we would never have to see her again. I knew that sounded shitty, but she was not a good person, and I didn't really want that around me and my family.

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