Underestimated- Kat's POV

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Kat's POV-

"So, you want me to kill him then..."

"What?" I asked in a shocked voice. My voice raised an octave and I stared at him with wide eyes.

"You said that there is a P.I. who took the pictures. I can get them from your father easy enough because of the understanding that him and I have... But I'd assume that you want the P.I. out of the way as well."

"No, no, no!" I answered quickly. "I just want you to ask him for the camera and erase the pictures and any hardcopies. He's just a P.I. He's not going to care that much about what his clients are hiring him for. My father got what he wanted out of him and then paid him and everything. I doubt he's obsessing about it or anything. I don't want the man dead for simply doing a job."

"So, you don't want me to kill him?"

"No sir!" I said in a frantic voice. "I do not want you to kill anyone. I did not come to you to hire you for murder! Jesus, is that the type of thing you do often?"

"Um..." he regarded me for a few moments and examined me with a watchful eye. "You do realize who I am, right?" He asked in a condescending tone.

"Well yeah... But- I don't know... I'm technically still just a high school kid. I didn't think that you'd expect me to come in here and ask for you to murder people."

"Well, you are your father's daughter," he said simply. "Anyways, why should I help you, Miss Reynolds? You do realize that I have a working relationship with your father, yes?"

"Call me Kat, please," I said slowly. "And yes, I do realize," I answered. "However, I also realize how strong of a businessman you are. After all, isn't that what yours and my father's relationship is all about... Money?"

"If you're going to sit here and tell me that you have more money than your father right now, I'll call bullshit and raise your bluff," he said with a chuckle.

"Nope, I don't have more money than my father..." I answered with a shrug. "I am a very resourceful girl though," I said cryptically and pulled out the invoices from my bag. "I see that there is a monthly reoccurring wire from my father's illegal offshore account to another illegal offshore account at the same bank," I said as I showed him the papers which showed the transactions that had been taking place for years.

"What does this have to do with me?" He asked in a hard voice.

"Don't patronize me, sir. We've already established that you don't see me as a child so don't tease me as if I am one. That's your account that it gets transferred to, Mister Palomino. I know it is, so don't insult me by saying that it isn't."

"If this is you saying that you'll go to the Feds and-"

"Oh! No, no, no sir. You've misunderstood me completely. I have no intentions of getting the government of any sorts involved in your business. You have done nothing wrong to me, and I will not mess with your business as long as you keep it that way.

"My father on the other hand has severely mistreated me and is going to learn his consequences. Like I said, that has nothing to do with you though. Also, I'd just like to point out that he was the one that threatened to go to the Feds with the pictures in question to takedown your venture in the inner city. That could or could not be traced back to you. Wholly beside the point though.

"What I am suggesting is that I can get you six months of that payment amount wired to you today. You don't have to do anything. It'll come out of the same account, there will be no questions, and it will be complete," I finished calmly.

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