Start from the beginning

Bonga:“ little girl, we’re grown ass men here and we know what you’re trying to do! ” she looks down

Her:“ what am I trying to do? ”

Me:“ look it’s fine here’s the phone call your parents of family and put it on loud speaker ”

Her:“ it’s okay sir I’ll just use the landline ” she goes to the kitchen

Me:“ did I miss something here? ”

Sbu:“ that little girl has a crush on you ” I look at them like they are fucken crazy

Me;“ what? hell no! ” we laugh

Bonga;“ I’ve seen the way she looks at you ”

Me:“ what way ”

Sbu:“ the look that teenagers give when they like you ”

Me:“ fuck no I don’t want that, look guys she’s just a confused little girl and she feels vulnerable. I won’t entertain that stupid crush you guys say she has ”

Bonga:“ why would she want your cell phone to use and not use the landline ”

Me:“ I’m not having this stupid talk ” we laugh.

Lady:“ we are all done now and ready to leave ” thank God, cause I’m ready to get the fuck out of here.

Sbu:“ everyone is here? ” they all nod.

Lady:“ we just want to say thank you for saving us from that monster and we’ll never forget what you did for us. Well be forever grateful ” we nod.

Me:“ just be careful and trust your instincts if something doesn’t feel right cause it won’t lie to you ”

Sbu:“ the women from the orphanage gave you the information and details you will use when you get home to see counsellors who will help you ”

Me:“ be safe out there cause if it happens again you won’t be this lucky, I wish you well and I hope to never see you guys again in trouble ”

Bonga:“ all of you follow me ” they take their little bags and follow bonga out then that little girl stays behind and comes and stands next to me.

Her:“ thank you sir for saving me and I’ll never forget you ” she stands on her tip toes and is about to kiss my cheek I think but I still here and grab her arms.

Me:“ hold it right there!, I’m old enough to be your father so this crush you think you have on me better stop cause I’m not the nice man you think I am little girl. We saved all of you cause you could have been our daughter or niece. Go home, live your life, be careful and date boys your age, now go ” . She looks at me shocked then leaves.

Sbu:“ we told you ” I shake my head

Me:“ let’s go ” we see them getting into a car and the one that lives in Ermelo gets in another one and they leave.

Sbu:“ you’re also leaving now ? ”

Me:“ Right now but I’m going to see sicelo first before I go see my woman who’s waiting for me ”

Bonga:“ wish I could and enjoy the show but there’s someone we need to fuck first” this fool I laugh

Him:“ it’s nice to have someone to come home too ”

Me:“ brother, it’s the best feeling ever ”

Him:“ we’ll I’ll see you tomorrow then ”

Me:“ we could all go now and you can take that girl with you, or find someone else at Ladysmith then book yourselves into a hotel cause I’m not about to make my wife’s house a fuck pad ”

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