Chapter 19

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Addie's P.O.V

2 weeks. 2 weeks since I had spoken to Calum. Michael kept in touch still, so I knew exactly what was going on with them. They were going to be in New York on my birthday this weekend. Just another thing Calum lied to me about. He swore to me he wouldn't be near me, but of course he was. I don't get why he couldn't just stay away. 

 "Addie take it from the top" Max barked orders towards me. His dark demeanor wasn't normal. He was usually bubbily and always laughing. Max gave me a smile before tugging his dark dreadlocks to the side. His dark skin was shining with sweat from the intense hip hop duo he was teaching me.

"I can't do hip hop right now Max". He knew me all too well to know I wasn't okay right now. The music turned off abruptly when he set next to me. He engulfed me into a tight hug. I'd missed his tight embrace. Max was almost like a second father to me yet far too young to fill the role. His 6 foot 2 stance made him look fierce, but his smile could make any girl weep. He was full of knowledge for only being 28. 

"What's his name?" Max was there for me through everything. Everything. My parents death, Justin and I splitting to moving to Sydney. He was my best friend in the entire world and he might not even have known it. 

"His names Calum and he's in that band 5 Seconds of Summer." Max's face lit up. He was clearly a fan. Who wasn't now a days. Everyone I had talked to had heard of him which only made things worse.  It seemed like everyone knew Calum and took his side. Little did they know he was every thing they thought he wasn't.  

"Well he kissed his 'friend' while I was away" I added air quotes to friends. Max gave me a sad smile and a nod in agreement. His fingers traced lines along my back causing me to relax. I don't know how he did it. 

"Well on the bright side were going on Good Morning America." Max explained everything. The dance studio was invited to preform and dance before some random band came on. I wouldn't preform due to the month of rehearsal I'd missed, but Blair, Max and I would be interviewed. I was nervous due to the fact that I'd never been on TV, but the GMA hosts were always so nice. It would be fun I think. Plus we were going on my birthday! It couldn't get any better.


I left the studio with a bunch of messages. A few from Michael and Ashton wanting to meet up and one from Harry asking to get lunch. I agreed to meet him at a cafe near Blair's house. It was quaint and served the best peppermint tea. 

"Ads, its November why the hell are you drinking peppermint tea?"

The memories of the first day I met Calum burned in the back of my mind. They always did. Nirvana reminded me of his shirt. New York itself reminded me of when we'd watch Gossip Girl and Calum would comment on how dumb Chuck and Blair's relationship was. How I would kill for someone to love me as much and Chuck loved her. Every time I tried to drink the memories away I thought of the nights where we'd laugh about stupid things while drunk out of our minds. He was tearing me apart one memory at a time. 

Harry sat in a giant booth, far too big for one person. A stupid grin was plastered across his face while he waved to me. I plopped down next to him and pulled him into a side hug. I hadn't seen him in a 8 days. I'd been crying myself to sleep every night so maybe tonight would be different. Maybe Harry making me laugh wouldn't remind me of Calum's breath taking smile. The one that made my heart break just thinking about it. 

"I invited some of my lads if you don't mind" I honestly didn't. More people meant more distractions." Oi, there's some of them." In walked a blond boy with piercing blue eyes, one with slick black hair and the last with soft stuble and styled up brown hair. Niall, Zayn and Liam. Everyone in the world knew of these 3 guys. I could feel my face heat up under their gazes. Niall was studying my face as if his life depended on it. 

"Umm wheres Lou?" Harry attempted to break the awkward silence forming between us. 

"He's with Elenour" All the boys sighed at the mention of who must have been Louis girlfriend. I just smirked at their annoyance. Maybe I would get along with these boys.

"So Addie" Zayn voice was hoarse. "Haz here won't shut up about you". A deep chuckle left Harry's body. It was very refreshing to hear such a genuine laugh. 

"Harry I knew you were in love with me, but telling your friends is a big step." I joined in the laughing this time. Harry's arm wrapped around my shoulder and pulled my closer to him.

"It hard not to." My head fell to the crook of his shoulder in a laugh. These were what real friends were meant to do. Make you laugh instead of cry. Zayn and Niall's eyes went wide, forcing us all to shut up.

"Umm hi lads, hi Addie." I could recognize that voice any where. It could be blocks away and I would still be able to hear his voice. The Australian in it seemed more dominating in a cafe full of Americans. I thought the boys English accent was over powering everything, but hearing his slight lisp mixed with the dominance in his voice was a clear winner. His chocolate iris were glossed over. Not that mine weren't as well, but I thought he'd be stronger. 

"Hi Calum."

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