Chapter 6

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Addie's P.O.V

I hadn't seen the boys in about a week. It was pretty boring,  but I occupied myself by learning some new songs on my guitar. I had pretty much mastered Skinny Love by Bon Iver. My guitar teacher recommended some shitty boy band song to learn because the cords would challenge me. The words were super  cliche and went along the lines of "Waking up with amnesia" just to forget about a girl. Why would anyone wish to get amnesia? By the time I had finally learned the chords I was on the verge of ripping my hair out. I heard my front door open and the click of shoes made their way to my studio.

"Hey Gorgeous" Calum held a variation of roses in his hands. "I'm sorry I haven't been over lately. The boys and I have been recording all week" He planted a soft kiss on top of my head. The roses came in all different colors. My eyes instantly drifted to the pastel pink ones. They were always my mothers favorite. There was something about them that made my heart ache in memories. I felt this sensation a lot. Memories would come back to me so quickly that I could hardly decipher them quick enough. Only today they were different. One memory shone in my head above the rest. My mother and father danced around kitchen to a song that was far past my time. My mother had never looked happier. She was happy to have the whole family happy and together. My brother, Noah and my sister, Alexis sang the words of the song blaring out the radio while I sat just enjoying the happiness radiating off their bodies. Ww were all completely out of tune which made us all laugh our brains. Flour covered our clothes due to the fact that we'd been baking all day. These were the moments I always found myself loving the most. Ones spent with my family.

"Cal, when can I see you preform?" I broke from my thoughts remembering I had never heard him play. A wide grin crept across his face. 

"Wellll" he stretched out the L "Were going to a interview with a short performance in like 15 minutes if you'd care to join us". I agreed and quickly threw on a pair of coral shorts, a white jumper and sandals and rushed out the door after Calum. My hair was sloppily thrown up and a few pieces framed my face. Luckily I'd only be seeing the boys today.

"Calum, how famous is your band?" He had yet to tell me even the name or let me listen to any of his music. The only thing I knew was that Luke, Micheal and Ashton were all members. 

"Not very big don't worry" he placed his left hand on my thigh creating small strokes for the rest of the drive. His touch was rough, reminding me of the night of our first kiss. I way he slammed me against the wall without caring if I could get hurt. Chills filled my body at the thought, but I didn't mind the feeling. Calum was running late thanks to me and was ripped away.I just roamed around the set having no idea where to even begin looking. It was a pretty big studio and I got lost several times. Luckily, Security finally figured out I was with the boys and they let me chill in the dressing room. It was empty so I just was just stuck in the awkward silence of unknown territory. The door creaked open to a well groomed Calum. His hair was styled slightly, giving the illusion he just rolled out of bed. His black jeans were cuffed at the edges and he wore vans and a plain tee shirt. He looked way less bad ass than I was used to.

"Gorgeous! You scared the crap out of me" He plopped down on the couch next to me, leaning slightly against my shoulder. He had begun calling me gorgeous instead of my real name. Everytime he did I felt my stomach doing back flips. We sat around until his manager forced him onto the stage and me front row in the crowd. Screaming girls surrounded me and I felt more out of place then ever before.

Calum's P.O.V

"Welcome boys. You haven't been here in a while" Ashton grunted some sort of agreement while the rest of us just nodded our heads. "So were going to start the show off the show with a little help from the crowd. I need each of you to find someone to be partners with from the crowd" All of the boys scanned the crowd trying to find someone to be with. Addie avoided eye contact, surely knowing I would pick her, but I forced her on stage.

"Cal, whose that stranger you chose" Ashton flashed me a wink, but I ignored him while snaking my arms around her waist. She gave me a weak smile and leaned against me. Most of her body weight was against me like she was going to pass out.

"So boys were going to have each of these girls answer trivia about the band and the team that looses gets a punishment." The host smirked at whatever the unknown punishment must have been. 

A soft voice filled my ears "Cal, I know nothing about this band. I don't even know your band's name!" Addie looked terrified. Her eyes grew wide and she squeezed my hand tighter than anyone ever before. I pulled her into a hug and the crowd aww'd in response. 

After getting every question wrong, Addie and I were in last place. The boys kept making jokes on how Ads was a fake fan which made all of us laugh, but the crowd had no idea what we were talking about. The punishment wasn't that bad in the end. We had to do cheesy pickup lines on each other which only made us laugh even harder. She returned back to our seat momentarily. 

"So now onto the juicy questions. Any girls you're interested in boys?" 

Michael and Ashton both shook their heading instantly leaving Luke and I in silence. Neither of us wanted to be the first one to speak which quickly grew uncomfortable. 

"This girl I met recently seems pretty chill. We've only really hung out on the beach like once so I don't know whats going on between us." Luke blurted out and smiled to himself, probably reliving the memories. 

"There's this girl I've been with recently. She's kind of the best person alive, but I don't know if she feels the same way about me" I felt Addie's gaze on me and I couldn't help looking into her eyes. She looked really beautiful today. I could tell my feelings for her were growing rapidly, but I didn't want to rush anything with her. She was too good for that. As for Luke, I had no idea who he was talking about. Probably someone management set him up, but I had no idea he was interested in anyone. 

We were setting up for the short concert when I noticed Addie had left. I rushed past people knowing the only place Addie would go. She sat on the couch in the dressing room looking contently at her phone. 

"Ads were about to preform want to come back out?" She shook her head and pouted. 

"I'm the only one whose not a fan out there" I sighed, understanding completely where she was coming from. Everyone out there would be screaming the words and Addie would be sitting there in silence. She probably felt like she was being judged by the die hard fans in the audience. 

"Why don't you just come backstage and watch" She nodded, but before I could leave she pulled me back towards her.

"Cal, who were you talking about on stage?" Our faces were inches apart, her breath hot against my lips. I felt the pulled toward her, but refrained before speaking up.

"You" I wispered moments before our lips crashed together. 

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