Chapter 33

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Addie's P.O.V

"Happy New Year you twat. Wake up." I shook Calum's limp body in an attempt to wake him up. It was already 1 in the afternoon. After last night's crazy booze fest, it was a sure fact he'd be hung over. Not that I wasn't; my head was pounding and I felt as if I would vomit any second now. Maybe Jack and Coke wasn't a good combo after polishing off 3 bottles between 5 people. Blair and Luke ended up making out the whole night after a casual truth or dare session. That left Harry 3rd wheeling hard core. Not that he seemed to mind. He was having loads of fun sexting Ed.

"You're a bitch." He groaned. I gave him a sloppy kiss on his cheek before getting back into bed with him. He wrapped his arm around my waist to pull him closer to him. I nestled into the crook of his neck, deciding to just sleep until 2015.

"I say we just cuddle all day." He whisper to decrease the jackhammer in my head. I nodded, fulling aware both of our eyes were closed. "So what's gonna happen with LA?"

"Cal, I'm not in the mood to talk about that right now."

"Ads I leave in a week. We have to decide."

"Well.. I'm actually going to go back to Sydney and go to the community college for the end of the semester." He sighed heavily, knowing I wasn't going to be with him at all in LA. I really needed to get my degree, I couldn't count on Calum forever.

"I'm gonna miss you." His tone was much softer than usual. I swore I felt a tear streak down his face, but it passed as quickly as it came. We sat in silence for a while before I broke the silence.

"I can visit you on my Spring Break. That's in March so it's only really 2 months."

"Yeah, and I'll be home for Easter. Then it's only a month until the semester ends. Then you can come on tour with us for your Summer."

"I like that plan." I kiss him softly at first, but deepened it quickly when I realized I would only get Calum to myself for 7 more days.

"I swear I'll visit you when nothing's going on. And maybe for Spring Break you could take a couple extra days off and meet us in Japan."

"Yeah, I'll do that. I love you." Our voices were still hushed, careful not to wake the couple in the bed adjacent to us or Harry on the floor.

"And I love you."


Cal and I finally got out of bed around 5 that afternoon. Blair and Luke had a major freak out session when they woke up, causing all of us to wake up instantaneously. They clearly didn't mind that they made out last night, but Blair was mega mad that they were cuddled together. Harry wouldn't shut up about how his back hurt. It was New Years Eve and we were being a bunch of lazy asses.

"I say we do something tonight." I clapped my hands, a little to loud for my hungover peers. Luckily, I'd slept most of my hangover off after Calum and I's talk.

"If you take it down 10 notches, I'll go with you to the Ball Drop." Harry groaned after I clapped once again. "I take back my offer."

Calum pulled my down to him, covering my mouth with his hand. I struggled in his grip, but gave up after a few seconds. I nestled into his side and attempted to fall asleep again. I could sleep until at least 9 until I had to actually get ready for the night.

"We're gonna get Maccas. You want anything?" My stomach grumbled in response and I nodded for a Big Mac and fries. Calum understood, kissing my lightly on the forehead. "Blair, you want a Burger?" 

"Nah, I'm Vegetarian. I just take a McFlurry and fries." Luke rose an eyebrow, clearly impressed at Blair. She'd been a Vegetarian ever since I met her almost 5 years ago. She never even wanted to touch meat and one day I'd bet she'd be vegan. She was way too lazy to attempt that right now. 

"Ight." We all let out laughs at Luke's lame terminology. They quickly left, leaving Harry, Blair and I cuddled under our blankets. Haz sat on the end of my bed, resting on my feet. I wiggled my toes causing him to roll his eyes heavily at me. He moved up the bed and rested his head on my stomach while drifting deeper into sleep.

"Ads, how can I get Harry Styles to sleep on me?"

"B, you've known Haz for a month and you still fangirl hardcore." I rolled my eyes at her. "Plus you made out with Luke last night! I don't get you." She chuckled deeply.

"Woah look. Noah's on Buzzfeed." She tilted her phone in my direction. The article read, Calum Hood's Girlfriend has one smoking hot brother. Where can we get his number? My nose involuntarily shriveled together at the headline. Noah was far from 'smoking hot'. He was just my baby brother.

"That's nasty"

"Noah seemed to like it." She showed me her texts, one from Noah. 

From: Brotha From Another Motha

Well of course I'm smoking hot. We knew that all along ;)

Blair and I both cracked up at his text which caused Harry to awaken. He gave me a soft punch before rolling to the other side of the bed. Blair and I laughed harder at his post-hangover grumpiness. We were barely breathing when Calum and Luke walked in.

"What's so funny?" Calum asked? He had 3 McDonald's bags in his hands and was beginning to pass them out.

"Noah.. then Haz" I struggled to get out. Blair and I erupted into another fit of giggles. It was one of those moments where it wasn't actually that funny, but you couldn't stop laughing. I snuck a glance at Calum who just sat shaking his head. He handed me a burger, leaning close to my face.

"I really don't get why I love you." And with that, our lips connected.

Fun facts about be: 1) I'm a vegetarian, 2) I'm from Chicago(Chi Town Repping) 3) I'm a freshman in high school (which means I'm 15) and lastly, 4) I'm seeing Ed, One Direction and 5sos this summer!

Comment your ROWYSO or OTRA dates below. I'll try to update again before the weekend, but who knows if I'll get to it.

Peace out homies

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