Chapter 30

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Addie's P.O.V

"Ads you alright?" I met the eyes of my two best friends. The blue eyed boy looked at me with confusion. His head was cocked slightly to the side making him look like a little puppy. He rested his hand on my thigh, giving me a small reassuring squeeze. Blair, who had known me for nearly four years, just leaned her against my bicep. We sat there, Ed singing the A Team while the tears softly flew from my eyes. 

I don't know why the LA conversation always ended with fighting. Maybe it was because he wanted me there to keep him company or maybe it was because I felt like Calum was taking over my life. Whatever it was, it never went over smoothly. Our tempers together made for a deadly match against who was stronger.

"Get your hand away from her." Calum plopped down next to me, venom still controlling his eyes. They were darker this way, and not in a good way. Usually his eyes were soft and had a slight twinkle near the middle. Now they were just dark and malicious. He gave me a forced smile that I couldn't be bothered returning. Cal shoved Luke's hand off of my thigh and replaced the surface with his.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Blair shouted, earning a couple stares from the people around us. No one seemed to notices all the eyes on our group except me.

"Yeah mate stop being and arse." Calum scoffed in annoyance at Blair and Luke before slinging his arm around me. We sat in an awkward silence until Ed's set ended. Although it was only 3 more songs, the seconds practically crawled by. The tension in the air was unbearable. I couldn't even tell who it was even between at this point. It could've very well been between Luke and Calum and I may not even been involved it it at this. However, I found that very unlikely.

His arm was still around me, but it not longer felt like it belonged there. It felt foreign and stiff. I tried so shake him off me, but he pulled me closer to him. He was probably trying to piss me off on purpose.

"We're walking." He informed the group before I could bitch along. "Can you just play along for a little bit?"

His hand moved to my waist as he explained how the fans had to think we were happy all the time. I thought it was a load of bullshit because who could be happy all the time? He kissed the tip of my nose before forcing me to climb onto his back. I was held there until most of the fans had dispersed. I contemplated making a run for it to avoid the conversation I knew was going to happen very soon. We were any about 5 blocks away from Blair's place so I could easily make it back. There was also a great chance I could outrun Calum. But there was two main reason it wouldn't work. First, Calum had no idea where he was in this city. His phone was dead so if I did decide to leave him, he'd be stranded in this part of town. Which brought me to my second reason. It was a Friday night in the most popular part of New York. There was bound to be loads of drunk people and I wasn't in the mood to deal with them. So instead I talked myself up before speaking to Calum.

"So did you take me on a walk to tell me you're over this?" I gestured between us. 

'What? Ads you know I love you. Sorry for being a dick and starting shit on your birthday." He cupped my face and left small kisses along my jaw. Maybe it was the cologne he was wearing or maybe it was just a sudden realization, but Calum was my rain. When he was angry the thunder couldn't be contains. He took down anything in his path. But when Calum was happy he shone brighter than a rainbow. He had so many colors to him that I was sure no one except me knew about. He was my rain, lightning and best of all, my rainbow.


"Wake up you butt face." I pushed Calum off me, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. The city outside the hotel's window was still asleep. Luke sat on the edge of my bed, messy hair and all. Calum sat up next to me, pulling me onto his lap. He ran his fingers through my unmanageable locks before giving up and pulling on a pair of sweats.

"Where's your interview today?" The clock adjacent to me read 5:30. I'd barely gotten 6 hours of sleep and I knew my TV debut wasn't going to pretty.

"We're at Good Morning America as well, babe." Calum emerged from the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth. His top half was left bare, revealing his steel cut abs. My gaze wouldn't falter from the v lines moving down his hips. He shot me a wink before retreating back to the bathroom. I shifting my sight to Luke who was smirking at the the end of my bed. 

"Uhh shut it." I smacked his arm causing him to mock hurt. He looked adorable like this. His hair was covering the top part of his forehead and his eyes were still baggy with sleep deprivation. I totally understood what Blair saw in him.

"How is it that you're still all heart eyes at him after two months?" I blushed a deep red at the fact that Luke still knew how much I was obsessed with Calum. "Where can I find that?" He dramatically fell into my lap. Luke fake cried for nearly 5 minutes before I begged him to shut up.

"I bet Blair would be all heart eyes at you years from now." Luke raised an eyebrow.


"Yes Blair! The sexual tension between you two is unbearable."

"Blair." Luke said to himself. I don't think I was meant to hear it, but Luke was always shit at whispering. He looked deep in thought about what could happened between Blair and him. And in that moment I knew Luke and Blair were bound to be together. Maybe only for one date and maybe for the rest of their lives. Mark my words, Blair and Luke were going to end up together. All thanks to me.

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