Chapter 7

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Addie's P.O.V

Everyone back stage was very friendly. They got me a coffee and a sandwich while I was waited for Calum and the boys to preform. It had been an hour and the boys were just getting pictures with fans while the crew set up. Cal kept trying to escape backstage, but management kept pushing him away. I honestly didn't mind seeing as it was his job and I wasn't even supposed to be here. By 12:30 they were all ready to start. I couldn't help smiling when Calum begun singing. His voice was deep and shaking as he sung the words that must have meant a lot to him at some point. They probably still meant a lot to him. He was actually an amazing singer. 

Calum had song writing directly afterwards so I joined Luke and Micheal for lunch at Nandos. We didn't have any around where I grew up, but while on a trip to London I quickly fell in love. Michael left shortly after we finished leaving Luke and I in an awkward silence. I still felt very attracted to him, but I also really liked Calum.

"Luke what we did that night was just stupid. We need to forget it" He only laughed and shook his head.

"Addie, I can't just forget that. I really like you and I'm not just going to give up that easily." His blue eyes burned into my own "You're the most gorgeous girl I've ever met and Calum can't just take that away from me. Not again" His eyes turned glossy and I empathized for him. I didn't know what he meant by "again", but hatred towards Calum filled my body. How could Calum ever hurt the boy with the baby blue eyes sitting in front of me. His hands found my face as he pulled me towards him. Softness was the first thing I felt. This kiss was much more careful and delicate than our drunken kiss the week before. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel anything. I felt everything. Passion, Lust, Regret and even the pain I knew Luke felt every time he saw Calum with me. I pulled away quickly not wanted to lead him on. 


The ride home was awkward to say the least. My stomach hurt with guilt, something I had experienced since I was young. The first time I felt the pain was in 7th grade. The year of first boyfriends. Of course they were meaningless, but at the time I felt the pressure to fit in. There was this boy, Joey. He was cute and I had a little crush on him, but even at that age he was a player. He would pass "love notes" to all of the cute girls in our class. They all felt special, thinking he was crushing on them, but he was using them. I got a note one day. Little did I know he actually liked me. I wasn't one of the petty girls he was using. I wasn't even that pretty back them. It drove him crazy when I didn't respond to the notes. I found out a couple years later when we were drunk at a party that he still liked me. I kissed him, but later that week at school just ignored him. I felt terrible, but I wasn't into him like he wanted me to. Ever since then Joey and I have been distant acquaintances.

"Addie can you please say something" Luke voice was shaking and a few tears slipped down his cheek. I wipped them off and he bit his lip to try to contain them. 

"Luke we would never work out. You know that"

"Addie we could just try" I only shook my head, guilt filling my body.

"I'm sorry Luke" I tried to exit his car, but his grip on my wrist tighten. I flinched at the thought of Luke being like Calum, only worse. The second he saw my discomfort yet let me go.

"Addie he's going to hurt you. I know him a lot more than you do. He'll blow up on you for stupid things and you'll realize he's using you. I'm just trying to protect you" His voice was barely audible. 

"Luke, just stay the night. I don't trust you to be alone right now" Tears steadily flowed down his cheeks. He sat on my couch with blood shot eyes and tear stained cheeks. I made him a coffee before cuddling up on the couch next to him.

"You know you're like the best friend I could ask for right?"

"Addie you don't get it. I can't be your friend with the way I feel about you. It hurts too much" I nestled closer into him, unable to answer. Soon enough I drifted into a deep sleep with his soft hums guiding me. I felt his lips press into my head before the world around me went black. 

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