Chapter 24

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Calum's P.O.V

My eyes raked down Addie's figure. Her dress clung to her hips, causing my mind to wander. Her heels gave her extra height that made her legs appear longer. She looked absolutely stunning.

"You don't look so bad yourself." Addie gave me a small wink before waving goodbye to Harry. Our hands merged together as we walked down the dim hallway. I couldn't stop staring at Addie. Her hair flowed around her face in sandy curls that made her eyes shine. Their mix was deadly; the swirls of blue and green were captivating.

"So where are we going?" Her accent was heighten in the echoey hallway. It was sharp, but I couldn't imagine it any other way. The winter's weather seemed to make it raspier, as if she had a cold.

"I'm thinking about Italian." A smile grew across her face. Her teeth shone through the darkness. I found my thumb tracing shapes along her index finger; something I hadn't really done in a month or so. She used to never shut up about the way she loved the contrast in our skins. My calloused hands were attracted to her silky surface. Addie's eyes stared intently at our intertwined hands.

"I missed you so much." I tilted her chin up so she would speak her words to my face. She lips parted, but our eye contact was never broken. I couldn't help thinking about the contrasts in our appearances. Her blonde hair was a complete 180 from my almost black. Our eyes shone different colors; her green and blue eyes drew way more people in than my chocolate iris'. She was nearly 8 inches from being my height. Addie was the typical girl next door. Yet, no girl would ever compare.

Addie's P.O.V

"I missed you so much." His eyes frantically searched mine. He was looking for any sign of uncertainty. Our lips pressed together before I dragged him down the stairs. The cold hit us both like a semi-truck. Calum cursed under his breath before wrapping his blazer around my shoulders. We walked hand-in-hand down the busy New York streets before stopping at a brick building. Inside I could see the hustle and bustle of its customers.

"We're here" Calum smiled at me before opening the door. We're seated immediately towards the back. Our table held candles and the red tablecloth. The atmosphere was dim giving off a more romantic feel. I suddenly knew exactly why he took us there.

We both ordered various pasta dishes. His was an elaborate name that he claimed was the best type of pasta. I am the other hand went for ravioli stuffed with spinach. We ate in silence as if it was the first date and we had nothing to talk about. Our silence on the other hand was because we both had too much to say. There was too much to talk about with us.

"I'm really happy you forgave me. I'm such a dick." The couples around us shot Calum a harsh glare. I apologized on his behalf before returning his hard stare.

"I understand why you reacted that way. It looked pretty bad." His stare never faltered. He dismissed me with a nod before turning back to his dinner. Something weird was going on with him.

"That was great." Calum's mood had drastically changed since he picked me up. He'd been sulking the entire night. "Babe, what's wrong?"

"You know when I went to the restroom?" I nodded. "Well Mali sent me a bunch of magazine headlines about us."

"Why would she do that?" It seemed cruel from my point of view.

"To know what to expect in the interviews."

"Well Cal you know those aren't true."

"But what if you see one that is true and it twists my words to make me look like a terrible person?" His eyes held so many emotions. It was almost painful to watch.

"What if I promise to never buy one of those magazines because I love you and will always come to you first?" It was the first time either of us had said we'd loved each other in nearly 3 weeks. The words still flowed out of my mouth like a song.

"How'd I get so lucky?" My back pressed against the building's brick exterior. Our arms wrapped around each other giving the illusion we were hugging. Instead our lips pressed together. His tongue slipped into my mouth and we kissed in a way I knew both of us craved. He was my rock. And I loved that boy more than anyone in the entire world.

"I got you a present." I'd almost forgot my birthday was tomorrow. His hands fished around the the pocket in his blazer. He pulled out a blank white envelope and handed it to me.

"Holy shit." My mouth hung up at the contents of the envelope. Two Rangers tickets layer inside. "These are like glass seats! And against the Blackhawks! You've got to be kidding me!"

I ran to where he sat on the couch and practically jumped on him. He let out a grunt due to the knee that must've hit a bruise, but wrapped him arms around me. My head nestled into the crook of his neck.

"You're seriously the best boyfriend on this planet." A deep chuckle escaped his body. My legs were draped across his thighs as he held me tightly. We sat in silence, a comfortable one, for what seemed like ages. An unfamiliar ring tone echoed off the hotels thin walls.

"Yeah. Now? Okay I'll get my computer." I tried piecing together his conversation, but it was completely impossible. He brought his laptop to the bed we'd moved to. "Okay I've added you. When ever you're ready mate. Okay thanks."

The Skype tone interrupted my thoughts. Calum avoided my eye contact as I attempted to figure out what was going on. A user name I didn't recognize filled the screen.

"Happy birthday Addie!" A heavy British accent yelled from the screen. It was dark in the strangers room, but I could still see the flashes of bright red hair. I was unable to speak when I finally figured out who it was. Even in the dim light, his blue eyes pierced into my own.

"Holy shit." It came out quieter than a whisper. I was star struck in the presence of the man staring back at me.

"Hey calm down. I'm just a regular goofball." It was my turn to laugh.

"That's such bullshit. You're Ed Sheeran."

"Ooh is that who I am?" He patted his body as if he magically shape shifted. "Anyway I called you to see if you wanted to come to my show tomorrow?"

"I would love to, but I've got an interview the next morning." Ed's face dropped and I almost felt sorry for him. Why did he care if I came?

"Ads, the boys and I have one the next morning too. You'll be fine." Calum replied a little too quickly.

"Well I guess I'm in. That's so much for the offer." Ed shook it off as if it were nothing, but to me it meant everything. Ed had been my favorite artist for years; guiding me through the best and worst parts of my life. We hung up and I sunk deeper into Calum's chest.

"You should call Harry and thank him. He set it all up."

"Hey Haz, thanks so much."

"I'm guessing Ed called you? It'd not big deal."

"No it really meant a lot. Ed's like my favorite person alive." Calum gave me a nudge and mocked hurt. 

"Mind if the boys and I join?" That sounded like the best people to join me. Blair was never a fan of Ed as much as me so there's no way she'd want to go.

"Yeah that'd be great actually." I could sense his smile through the phone.

"Okay.. Goodnight see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, tomorrow will be fun." I hung up phone and nestled deeper into Calum's arms. It was warm and he felt like coming home after a long tip. And I couldn't imagine being anywhere else.

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