Not an update

14 4 3

I just needed some quick story time because I've never been so happy. So it all started yesterday.

I was in the car and was like "Pops when's the Blackhawks parade?" and he told me it was Thursday, but they haven't announced times. So later that day we find out more details. Parade at 10 and rally at 11 at Soldier Field. So this posed a huge dilemma. Last time there was a couple million (give or take) at the rally, but Soldier Field only holds 60,000. So I was trying not to freak out since they hadn't released anything about when tickets were going on sale. 

Around 9:30 last night my friend Maraya and I figured out they were going on sale at noon TODAY. So flash forward to about 3 hours ago. 

So I was counting down the seconds to release. So noon comes around and my brother and I pounce on the tickets. BUT FUCKING TICKETMASTER SUCKS. So we're both waiting for about 20 minutes for it to load, but since so many people were on it was taking forever. Then out of no where we both get a note saying the tickets are sold out :(

So my brother and I were pretty defeated since he's been to all the rallies in the past and it was gonna be my first.  So of course, him being an asshole, gets a text from his friend Adam that he got tickets and is bringing my brother. So I'm about to cry because I really wanted to go. I'm begging my brother to let me buy his friends extra tickets, but he says no. Maraya and I were pretty upset at this point until......


I'm seeing my baby boy again tomorrow and I can't wait. Sorry for the lack of updates, but I'll update Friday!!

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