Chapter 11

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Addie's P.O.V

The smell of sweet potatoes filled my apartment, causing me to awaken. It was Thanksgiving morning and Calum promised me he would make a dish for Alexis' house and he'd clearly chosen to make sweet potatoes. I pulled myself out to bed and threw my hair up loosely. Calum sat  on the couch wearing only a pair of sweats  that hung loosely around his waist. Dexter was playing on the TV in reruns.

"It smells amazing babe" I left him a soft kiss before cuddling into him. His hair was still shaggy and it looked as if he'd come over as soon as he'd awaken. He didn't stay here last night due to his strange recording times. 

"Please don't leave me on Saturday" My heart dropped at the thought of leaving Cal for over a month. I know we've only been dating for like 4 days, but he was my best friend. It seemed as if we'd been dating for months because of the time we spent together. It would be hard to leave him, but I knew we would be okay. I assured him we'd Skype every night. 

"Let's go get ice cream" I attempted to take his mind off the fact that we wouldn't see each other for over a month. He flashed me a completely fake smile that broke my heart, but I ignored it and got in his car. He drove toward the beach in silence. Usually we felt comfortable in silence, but today was different. There was tension between us. 


We got to the ice cream shop shortly. Calum had calmed down a little bit, but still was slightly angry. I didn't really understand why because why wouldn't I spend Christmas where I had spent the best years of my life. I wasn't going to drop everything for people I had met less than a month ago. Plus, I hadn't seen my New York friends in over a month. I cared more for them than the boys to be honest. Calum had to understand that. I didn't worship the ground he walked on like all of his fans.

Calum could tell I was getting annoyed easily today and tried to cheer me up. It was pretty awkward because I just wasn't up for it. He gave up shortly and we sat in silence whilst eating our ice cream. 

"Addie, why are you so mad at me." His eyes pleaded for forgiveness, but I was no where near cracking.

"Maybe because you're making me feel guilty for seeing my friends" I tried to stand up, but Cal pulled me back down.

"I'm sorry I don't want my girlfriend to leave me for a month. Especially knowing you were going to hang out with Justin." He sent me a glare that sent shivers down my spine. We had never fought before. This side of Calum was terrifying. 

"Did you read my fucking texts?" He just rose his eyebrows in agreement before getting up to walk away. Yes, I did agree to see Justin. It wasn't so I could get back together with him or anything. He was just still one of my best friends and I missed him. I wasn't planning on being with him one on one either. I would be with Blair and Sarah at the same time and probably even Nicole and Jerrod. I wouldn't purposely hurt Calum like that. 


I was finally ready for dinner at Alexis' house. My hair was curled and I wore a maroon cropped top, a black cropped top and black booties. For the first time in forever I wore a berry lipstick and sandy colored eye shadow. My phone went off, but I ignored it and got the sweet potato casserole out of the oven. John would be here any minute to pick me up. I quickly checked my messages before searching for my purse.

I'm just about to leave. Be there in 15 xoxo


I quickly responded back, still slightly angry at him.

I have a ride. Don't bother coming here.

I rushed out the door to where John was parked in the driveway. I gave him a weak smile before checking my phone again. I received a few texts since I was in the kitchen. I opened the first one, smiling at who had sent it to me.

Happy Thanksgiving! Mostly just thankful that I get to see you in 2 days!!!


Blair had been my best friend since I moved to New York. We were so much alike and I trusted her with everything. The past month killed me because I kind of neglected her. I had been so busy with the move and the boys that I never really got to talk to her. I sent her a quick message back and closed my eyes for the rest of the trip. John and I produced small talk and I realized I really liked him. I was proud of Alexis for finding such a great man.


"You look wonderful" Luke pulled me in for a hug. We were the only ones in the kitchen and I had no idea where everyone else was. We chatted until Calum walked in which instantly shut me up. I knew Luke could feel the anger and he left fairly quick.

"Babe, you look gorgeous" He left a soft kiss on my cheek, but I gave him no satisfaction. I tried to walk away, but he pinned me against the wall. "I'm not letting you go until we talk about this."

Being the smart ass I was, I replied "Guess where staying here all d.."He shut me up by hungrily pressing our lips together. He left sloppy kisses along my jaw, making me moan slightly. I pushed him away before walking to bathroom. When I returned to the living room everyone had found their way there. A soccer game played on the TV. No seats were open except next to Calum so I was forced to sit there. I tried to keep my distance, but he wrapped his arms around me. We didn't say a word to each other until dinner. We all went around the table saying what we were thankful for.

"I'm thankful that my sister and her friends could join me" Alexis gave me a wide smile and squeezed my hand.

"I'm thankful I'm marrying the girl of my dream" I was completely grossed me out how in love Alexis and John were. Ashton spoke up next.

"I'm just really thankful for the success the band and that I get to spend every day with my best lads."

"I'm thankful for my amazing girlfriend who hates my guts" I shot Cal a glare before scooping mashed potatoes on to my plate. It was silent for awhile before Luke broke the tension. 

"I'm thankful that Alexis and John welcomed us into their home for this meal." I gave Luke a smile before speaking up.

"I'm thankful for the chance to fly back to America on Saturday" Silence fell over the table as Calum's grip on my leg tightened. I tried to wiggle out, but he held me too  tight. He was scaring me and I only wanted to leave. He was going to hurt me sooner or later. I was sure of it.

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