Chapter 47

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Addie's P.O.V

As soon as the boys stepped on the crowd erupted into roaring sound. It quickly dawned on me that I hadn't seen them perform  since before Cal and I started dating. The day after Luke and made out; the first time. I still remember that night perfectly. The way his styled fell quickly as we submerged or how his eyes matched the waters color perfectly, even in the dark. That nice was great, but the next day was even better. After the 'concert' Cal informed me he had feelings for me. Oh and you know I had feelings for him too.

"You okay?" Ashley asked, flipping her blue hair behind her shoulder. She'd changed since dinner, now wearing a white dress and black and white flannel with my plain black converse. I had also changed, but into leggings and an over sized, gray sweeter along with some plain sandals. All Time Low was seated in a balcony because they were apparently pretty big in Japan. And Ash and I were nobodies. 

The boys didn't end up playing a lot, just a few of the fan favorites. SLSP, Beside You, End Up Here, Out of My Limit, Don't Stop, Heartache on the Big Screen, Amnesia, What I Like About You and Good Girls. I was surprised at myself by how many of the words I knew. Maybe spending nearly every moment in the studio with them was paying off. To be honest I only really went so I could meet some producers and get a feel of the musician life. Ashley even said once the kiddo was born, I could open for her. 

"Um yeah, just thinking a lot." I turned back to the stage where the lights were slowly dimming. A pair of hands snaked around my hips and begun swaying as soon as soon as the beat of 'Clouds' begun. Not even going to lie, I was 1D af and had been since I was like a freshman in high school. Yes, I was set on marrying Liam since day one. Calum turned to me, his eyebrows coming together. He raised a single eyebrow as if to ask, 'what's wrong?'

"I just need some air I think. I'm gonna go find Alex." In the past few hours or so, Alex and I bound hugely. We both lost someone we loved and both moved around a lot. It wasn't much, but it was more than I had with most of the other people on this trip. Calum nodded, releasing me as I scurried to the boxes. Even before I rounded the corner, I could see Alex running his hands down his face and through his hair. Our eyes met briefly before his gaze settled on the floor.

"Al, what's wrong?" 

"I'm such an idiot, Addie.  There's no way she ever likes me." He begun crying softly, sliding down the concrete wall. Gentle sobs escaped his lips as he tugged at the ends of his hair. I pulled him into me so his head was on my lap. I ran my fingers through his hair, terrified of what he was gonna say. 

"Who doesn't like you, Al?" 

"As--Ashley." He managed to choke out, inviting a whole new wave of tears. "Now she's fucking pregnant with Calum's kid and I lost my chance."

"Have you ever told her you liked her?"

"Well-no not exactly"

"Ask her on a fucking date then." He smiled, gave me a quick thanks and sat against the wall with me. We sat there for a while, our shoulders touching slightly and our breaths in the same rhythm. 

"Why'd you come up here?" He asked a few minutes later. His gaze fell on me, it's intensity causing my insides to flip. My whole body tensed up, my stomach clenching. Now it was my turn to cry.

"I'm the actual idiot, Alex." 

"Wha-What happened?" 

"I keep thinking about the time Luke and I almost hooked up and well-when we did actually hook up." I sobbed, nearly collapsing into his body. He grabbed me quickly, pulling me into his chest. His figures ran through my hair and I could feel my body weakening. 

"Do you w ant to break up with Calum for him? Because I don't think that's a great idea." 

"No fuck no, Alex. I'm not breaking up with Cal. I just think I need to go home." 

"Yeah I'll take you home, let's go." He helped me up, nearly carrying me out of the arena. We found a taxi which zipped up through Tokyo and back to the hotel. I'd stopped crying so Alex said he was going back to the venue for the rest of the show.

I made my way to Calum, Luke and I's room and changed into my pajamas. The hotel room was a lot less fun with out all the boys and Ashley. It was quite creepy actually. I'd decided to turn on a movie, hopefully to channel my inner sadness. Maybe TFIOS because I hadn't gotten my John Green fix in a very long time. Plus, Ansel was a beauty. 


The tears were flowing down my face as Augustus called Hazel from the Gas Station parking lot. I was full of sobbing by the time he died, not fulling understanding how I could cry after watching this movie 3 times. Midway through the funeral, the hotel door opened. I fulled expected Calum, but was unpleasantly surprised with Luke.

"The Fault in Our Stars? I love this movie." He settled into bed next to me, wrapping his arm around me. My head was resting on his chest and I could just so slightly smell his scent. It was like pine and mint and everything good in the world. 

"You did great tonight by the way." I breathed out, barely getting my words out. 

"What's wrong with you, Addie?" He asked, taking his lip ring between hid teeth and biting down on it slightly. Holy fuck he was hot. 

"Um nothing really. I'm just really tired. I'm gonna go to sleep."

He shot me a confused look, unraveling his arm from me. He looked almost-hurt? I turned my body around so I was laying flat on my back. I could still see Luke out of my peripheral vision. His shirt was off and he was left just in his boxers. My mind was seriously in the gutter. 

"Addie." His whispered, more like whimpered actually. 


"I think I might still love you." 

HAHAH cliffhanger! I'm an asshole for this and for not posting in over a week. I'm seriously so sorry, but I have excuses! So let me take you through last week/this week. 

6/25 (Thursday): Cubs game, woot! They lost again so clearly I'm bad luck blah blah.

6/26 (When I was supposed to update): I had drivers ed and then went to Starbucks to do some reading for school and ended up staying there till like 4 and did crafts with my sister for a bit since she's leaving for Europe in a couple days.

6/27: Cousin's wedding

6/28: Girl's night 

6/29: I get super sick and sleep legit 18 hours that day (oops)

6/30: Still super sick, maybe worse. I go to the doctor and I have strep :( Sleep all day.

7/1 and 7/2: Mostly sleeping. SAAD AND OSHIE BOTH GET TRADED. On the verge of tears both days. 

7/3: Summerfest and Edward Sheeran!

And now today. HAPPY FOURTH TO ALL MY AMERICANS. I love you all and I love Red, White and Blue. Oh and you know I love fucking Bald Eagle hell yeah freedom!!!! Okay I'm out peace homies.

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